Button, Tasmania Railways, white metal, "EIIR" surmounted by crown, Dimensions: 1" dia. Button, Tasmania Railways
Baker and Rouse 12 x 10 inch plate camera. Folding field camera for 12 x 10 inch plates. Fitted with a London Stereoscopic Co Black Band Rapid Rectilinear lens for 15 x 12 inch plates. f/8-64 No.17315. On circular lens board. Sliding rising front. Rack and pinion focusing, double extension. Vertical swing back. Hinged ground glass focusing screen. With 10 x 8 inch adaptors. Baker and Rouse. Baker and Rouse Plate Camera
Atomic absorption spectrophotometer model AA5 by Varian Techtron Pty, Melbourne, Australia Atomic absorption spectrophotometer model AA5 by Varian Techtron Pty 1970
Carbon Rod Atomiser, together with carbon rods, and electrodes; and Instruction manual for Model 63 dated April 1972 Carbon Rod Atomiser 1900-1980
Film preliminary sketch entitled 'Possible Layout for 'FDO to Search'', Shaun Tan, 2005, for 'The Lost Thing', short film 2010. A4, pencil, biro, paper. Possible Layout for 'FDO to Search' 2005
Poster, "Join the Swing, Blood Makes the World Go Round. Become a Donor at the Red Cross Blood Bank", Melbourne, Australia, printed by Simplex Poster "Join the Swing, Blood Makes the World Go Round"
Dr. John Springthorpe's MD gown, hood and cap, for Melbourne University, made by Mr. Gladish, 1884 Dr. John Springthorpe's MD gown 1884
Indicator, bell and relay operated automatically by train with portion of model track, part of demonstration layout of signalling on the Victorian Railway, Australia. (see also 1909-10 and 1909-11) Indicator, bell and relay operated automatically by train with portion of model track 1892
Preliminary sketch in pencil 'Lost Thing 6 - The Department', by Shaun Tan 2005, for 'The Lost Thing Short Film'. 2010. Lost Thing 6 - The Department 2005
Small pastel study of boy and sign tree, by Shaun Tan, 2008, from 'The Lost Thing' short film, released 2010. Boy and Sign and Tree 2008
Incubator module with Geri dish. Geri Module incubator used in the Geri Incubator and Geri dish which has 16 micro-wells for individual embryo tracking. The Geri Module is one of six individual incubators/chambers, designed to have a single patient in each chamber, with each independently controlled for the storage and preservation of embryos at or near body temperature. Incubator module with Geri dish 2015