Operating machine used for working replica of Baird 'Tin Box' televisor (original built 1929) and Mihaly telehor, made by Denis Asseman c 2000. Operating machine for replica televisor models 1996-2006
Working replica of Baird 'Tin Box' televisor (original built 1929) and operating mechanism. Both used with Mihaly telehor (2009-5053), plus replica radio receiver, made by Denis Asseman c 2000. Replica working models 1996-2006
A working replica of a Mihaly telehor, built by Denis Asseman in the early 2000's. In 1931 Denes von Mihaly (1894-1953), a Hungarian living in Germany, demonstrated a mechanical 30-line and 48-line television system with a picture rate of 10 frames per second at the Berlin Radio Show. He called his system the Telehor. No complete Telehors survive. This working replica was built specially for the Science Museum. Working model of Mihaly telehor, early 2000s 2000-2005
Working replica of Baird 'Tin Box' televisor (original built 1929), plus replica radio receiver, made by Denis Asseman c 2000. Working model by Denis Asseman of Baird 'Tin Box' televisor, c.2000 1996-2006