Binocular research microscope, Axiomat NDC model, with integral 35mm and 4x5" cameras, lamp housing, rotating mechanical stage, sextruple rotating nosepiece, x10 eyepieces, power supply and control units, presented with framed cut-away diagram, by Carl Zeiss, German, 1971 Binocular research microscope 1971
Photomicroscope, with built-in automatic 35mm camera, exposure control unit, binocular head, rotating mechanical stage, KPL 8x eyepieces, Planachromat 40x objective, integral transmitted fluorescence illumination and magnification changer, by Carl Zeiss, German, circa 1970 Photomicroscope, with built-in automatic 35mm camera 1968-1972
Photomicroscope, "Ultraphot" model, with rotating mechanical stage, integral lamp, plate camera, on desk base, with built-in power supply and electronics, by Carl Zeiss, German, c1970 Photomicroscope, "Ultraphot" model 1965-1972
Revolver microprojector, with revolving turret with five objectives, mechanical stage and integral lamp, by Carl Zeiss, German, 1965-1980 Revolver microprojector 1965-1980
Orrery light projector, part of the mark four Zeiss planetarium formerly at the London Planetarium, Madam Tussaud. Zeiss orrery projector from London Planetarium, 1950-60 1950-1960
Reg Elta 14 electronic tacheometer, in case, Zeiss, serial no 90317, with five boxes of accessories, two tripods and carrying case for optics (640 x 750 x 340mm) Reg Elta 14 Electronic tacheometer, 1960-1980 1960-1980
Meteor light projector, part of the mark four Zeiss planetarium formerly at the London Planetarium at Madam Tussaud. Meteor light projector 1950-1960