Positive transparency on film, size 13 3/8" x 10", stella populations I and II in the Andromeda Nebula and NGC 205, in blue and yellow light respectively, 200" Hale Telescope Mt. Palomar Positive transparency on film 1966
Positive transparency on film, size 10" x 12", Dumb-bell Nebula in Vulpecula (M27) Galactic, 200" Hale Telescope Mt. Palomar, in colour Positive transparency on film 1966
Positive transparency on film, size 6 1/2" x 8 1/2", Mars in blue and red light, 200" Hale Telescope of Palomar Observatory Positive transparency on film 1966
Positive transparency on film, size 10" x 8", barred spiral Nebula in Pegasus (NGC, 7741) 200" Hale Telescope Mt. Palomar Positive transparency on film 1966
Transparency, 40"x51 1/2", of Crab Nebula in Taurus (M.1. N.G.C. 1952) photographed in red light by the 200-inch Hale telescope Transparency, 40"x51 1/2" 1963
Transparency, 40"x51 1/2", of Spiral galaxy in Pegasus, N.G.C. 7217, photographed by the 200-inch Hale telescope Transparency, 40"x51 1/2" 1964
Positive transparency on film, size 8" x 8", spiral Nebula in Ursa Major, (M81) 200" Hale Telescope Mt. Palomar Positive transparency on film 1966
Positive transparency on film, size 8 1/2" x 6 1/2", Jupiter in blue light showing large red spot, satellite Ganymede and shadow Palomar 200" Hale Telescope Positive transparency on film 1966
Positive transparency on film, size 10" x 12", Nebula in Scutum Sobieski (M16) taken in red light, 200" Hale Telescope, Mt. Palomar Positive transparency on film 1966
Positive transparency on film, size 10" x 12", Trifid Nebula in Sagittarius (M20) taken in red light, 200" Hale Telescope, Mt. Palomar Positive transparency on film 1966
Positive transparency on film, size 10" x 12", "North America" Nebula in Cygnus taken in red light, 48" Schmidt Telescope Mt. Palomar Positive transparency on film 1966
Positive transparency on film, size 8" x 10", cluster of nebulae in Corona Borealis, 200" Hale Telescope of Palomar Observatory Positive transparency on film 1966
Positive transparency of film, size 10" x 12", of Moon in the region of Clavius, Palomar 200" Hale Telescope Positive transparency of film 1966
Positive transparency on film, sixe 10" x 12", spiral galaxy in Triangulum (M33) extra galactic, 48" Schmidt Telescope Mt. Palomar, in colour Positive transparency on film 1966
Positive transparency on film, size 10" x 12", Veil Nebula in Cygnus NGC 6992 Galactic, 48", Schmidt Telescope Mt. Palomar, in colour Positive transparency on film 1966
Positive transparency on film, size 8" x 10", spiral Nebula in Canes Venaciti (M51), the satellite nebula in NGC 5195, known as the Whirlpool Nebula, 200" Hale Telescope Mt. Palomar Positive transparency on film 1966
Positive transparency on film, size 10" x 12", Great Nebula in Orion (M42) Galactic, 200" Hale Telescope Mt. Palomar, in colour Positive transparency on film 1966
Positive transparency on film, size 10" x 12", Great Nebula in Andromeda (M31) extra galactic, 48" Schmidt Telescope Mt. Palomar, in colour Positive transparency on film 1966
Positive transparency on film, size 10" x 12", Lagoon Nebula in Sagitarius (M8) galactic, 200" Hale Telescope Mt. Palomar, in colour Positive transparency on film 1966