Object type
Place of origin
Positive transparency on film, size 6 1/2" x 8 1/2", Mars in blue and red light, 200" Hale Telescope of Palomar Observatory

Positive transparency on film


Positive transparency on film, size 10" x 8", barred spiral Nebula in Pegasus (NGC, 7741) 200" Hale Telescope Mt. Palomar

Positive transparency on film


Positive transparency on film, size 13 3/8" x 10", stella populations I and II in the Andromeda Nebula and NGC 205, in blue and yellow light respectively, 200" Hale Telescope Mt. Palomar

Positive transparency on film


Positive transparency on film, size 10" x 12", Dumb-bell Nebula in Vulpecula (M27) Galactic, 200" Hale Telescope Mt. Palomar, in colour

Positive transparency on film


Positive transparency of film, size 10" x 12", of Moon in the region of Clavius, Palomar 200" Hale Telescope

Positive transparency of film


Positive transparency on film, size 8" x 10", spiral Nebula in Canes Venaciti (M51), the satellite nebula in NGC 5195, known as the Whirlpool Nebula, 200" Hale Telescope Mt. Palomar

Positive transparency on film


Transparency, 40"x51 1/2", of Crab Nebula in Taurus (M.1. N.G.C. 1952) photographed in red light by the 200-inch Hale telescope

Transparency, 40"x51 1/2"


Transparency, 40"x51 1/2", of Spiral galaxy in Pegasus, N.G.C. 7217, photographed by the 200-inch Hale telescope

Transparency, 40"x51 1/2"


Positive transparency on film, size 8" x 8", spiral Nebula in Ursa Major, (M81) 200" Hale Telescope Mt. Palomar

Positive transparency on film


Positive transparency on film, size 8 1/2" x 6 1/2", Jupiter in blue light showing large red spot, satellite Ganymede and shadow Palomar 200" Hale Telescope

Positive transparency on film


Positive transparency on film, size 10" x 12", Nebula in Scutum Sobieski (M16) taken in red light, 200" Hale Telescope, Mt. Palomar

Positive transparency on film


Positive transparency on film, size 10" x 12", Trifid Nebula in Sagittarius (M20) taken in red light, 200" Hale Telescope, Mt. Palomar

Positive transparency on film


Positive transparency on film, size 10" x 12", "North America" Nebula in Cygnus taken in red light, 48" Schmidt Telescope Mt. Palomar

Positive transparency on film


Positive transparency on film, size 8" x 10", cluster of nebulae in Corona Borealis, 200" Hale Telescope of Palomar Observatory

Positive transparency on film


Positive transparency on film, sixe 10" x 12", spiral galaxy in Triangulum (M33) extra galactic, 48" Schmidt Telescope Mt. Palomar, in colour

Positive transparency on film


Positive transparency on film, size 10" x 12", Veil Nebula in Cygnus NGC 6992 Galactic, 48", Schmidt Telescope Mt. Palomar, in colour

Positive transparency on film


Positive transparency on film, size 10" x 12", Great Nebula in Orion (M42) Galactic, 200" Hale Telescope Mt. Palomar, in colour

Positive transparency on film


Positive transparency on film, size 10" x 12", Great Nebula in Andromeda (M31) extra galactic, 48" Schmidt Telescope Mt. Palomar, in colour

Positive transparency on film


Positive transparency on film, size 10" x 12", Lagoon Nebula in Sagitarius (M8) galactic, 200" Hale Telescope Mt. Palomar, in colour

Positive transparency on film