Vintage silver gelatin print entitled 'Ramsgate' by Tony Ray-Jones, 1969. It is extensively notated with printing instructions in orange chinagraph pencil. Ramsgate 1968
Vintage silver gelatin print mounted on board. The photograph is entitled 'Ramsgate' by Tony Ray-Jones, 1968. The print is pasted onto board, and was displayed at the exhibition of Tony ray-Jones' work at the ICA (Institute of Contemporary Arts) in London in 1969. Ramsgate 1968
Vintage silver gelatin print entitled 'Ramsgate' by Tony Ray-Jones, 1969. It is notated with printing instructions. It is one of a series of prints where Ray-Jones suggested changes to the print's tonal contrast. Ramsgate 1968
Ambrotype portrait of a Boy wearing a top hat by J Hickling. Ninth plate. Label on reverse reads 'J Hickling, Photograph Artisit. 26 Harbour Street, Ramsgate and No 5 Lamb Place. Kingsland. London'. Boy Wearing a Top Hat circa 1850
Vintage silver gelatin print entitled 'Ramsgate' by Tony Ray-Jones, 1968. This was reproduced as plate 34 in Ray-Jones' posthumous book 'A Day Off - An English Journal' published in 1974. Ramsgate 1968
A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled "Car Delivery - Ramsgate, Kent, 1975" taken by Brian Griffin, in 1975. Possibly from the Impressions Gallery exhibition "Portraits of Our Time", shown in 1979 Car Delivery - Ramsgate 1975
A brief history of the origin and progress of the royal harbour of Ramsgate / Kenneth Beacham Martin, deputy harbour master, 1831. [Ts. volume including 11 photos (total 87 leaves)]. Transcribed in 1975 by Robert B. Matkin of Margate from the original manuscript by Martin, deputy harbour master. Number 6 of 8 copies produced] A brief history of the origin and progress of the royal harbour of Ramsgate / Kenneth Beacham Martin 1831; 1975
Two Paul Voigt Internal Suspension Loudspeakers in corner cabinets built by Tom Joyce of Ramsgate to Voigt's design, c. 1930, with an additional spare driver magnet assembly and a framed testimonial addressed to Tom Joyce from Elsie Carlisle, the musical comedy actress Two Paul Voigt Internal Suspension Loudspeakers built by Tom Joyce of Ramsgate, c.1930 1930