Booklet, The Port of Sandwich, Fortuna Nostra in Bello Campo. Printed by T.F. Pain. With description of the post. Port of Sandwich
Bottle of "Daricon" tablets, with instructions in original bottle by Pfizer Ltd., English Bottle of "Daricon" tablets
Bottle of "Terramycin" with instructions, in original carton, by Pfizer, Ltd., English, 1972 Bottle of "Terramycin" with instructions 1972
Carton of foil wrapped Ultrapen tablets, with instructions, by Pfizer, English, c.1967 Carton of Ultrapen tablets 1966-1968
Boxed bottle of terramycin vaginal tablets, by Pfizer Ltd., England, 1965-1968 Boxed bottle of terramycin vaginal tablets 1965-1968
Bottle of "Deltacortril" pills, with instructions, in original cartoon, by Pfizer Ltd., English. Bottle of "Deltacortril" pills
Bottle of "Tetracyn" capsules in original carton, by Pfizer Ltd., English, 1972 Bottle of "Tetracyn" capsules in original carton 1972
Bottle of Tetracyn pills in original carton with instructions, by Pfizer Ltd., English, 1966-1969 Bottle of Tetracyn pills in original carton with instructions 1966-1969