Ordinary mercury-in-glass centigrade thermometer, sheathed, with paper scale, in metal housing, serial no.15447 by R. Fuess of Berlin-Steglitz. Scale -7 to 55 degrees Ordinary mercury-in-glass centigrade thermometer
Ordinary mercury-in-glass Centigrage thermometer, sheathed with paper scale, by R. Fuess, Berlin-Steglitz, 1920s to 1930s(?). Scale -10 -to 52 degrees Ordinary mercury-in-glass Centigrage thermometer 1920-1939
Hot wire temperature probe for use with galvanometer, by R. Fuess, Berlin Steglitz, No.202853 Hot wire temperature probe for use with galvanometer
4-cup portable anemometer, serial no. 202563, set on stand, by Rudolf Fuess, Berlin-Steglitz, Germany, 1938. Four Cup Portable Anemometer, Serial No. 202563 1938
Hypsometric thermometer, mercury in glass, sheathed, scale in millibars, by R Fuess of Berlin-Steglitz, Germany. Numbered 3717, scale 615 to 1070 Hypsometric thermometer
Haidinger type dichroiscope with nickel plated brass tube and wooden lens cups, by R. Fuess, Berlin, Germany, 1800-1885. Marked as property of the Department of Science & Arts, South Kensington, London. Haidinger type dichroiscope with nickel plated brass tube and wooden lens cups 1800-1885