Object type
Place of origin

Kensa Shoebox ground source heat pump


Henderson type surveying Alidade, British, 1893


Society of Arts "Best Guinea Set" Blowpipe apparatus (blowpipe missing), comprising wooden containers, glass bottle and glass vials of various substances, by J.T. Letcher, Truro, Cornwall, c. 1914

Blowpipe apparatus


London Passenger Transport Board; Royal Engineers, Second World War; BTC; management, Assistant GM and General Manager SR; electrification; modernisation; dieselisation; political relationships; Beeching closures; BRHQ; incidents; BRB; Childhood; First World War, Buckingham Palace; father, Rt. Hon. Reginald McKenna MP, Chairman of Midland Bank; school, Eton College; university, Trinity College, Cambridge; influence of father on career choice, LPTB; John Cliff, T&GWU; starting work; London Transport Act; training; road transport scheme; Lord Ashfield; Deputy Chairman Pick; d.o.b. 1911-02-16, railway work 1934-1976, London; Hastings; Lewisham. 3.1496 x 2.8346 x .315 in.

McKenna, David CBE


Platinotype print of Tinworth Panel, Truro Cathedral, 1897 by F W Edwards.

Tinworth Panel


A colour transparency of a 'mannequin head with full view of fur hat', Truro, photographed by Andrew Lawson, about 1977.

Mannequin Head Wearing Fur Hat

circa 1977

Spare mechanical movement cable, one of two, for RoboThespian 3 robot actor, by Engineered Arts Ltd., Truro, Cornwall, England, 2016

Spare mechanical movement cable


Spare mechanical movement cable, one of two, for RoboThespian 3 robot actor, by Engineered Arts Ltd., Truro, Cornwall, England, 2016

Spare mechanical movement cable


Book, "Handbook to the Cornwall Railway", undated, 100 pages, 1 map, paper binding.

Handbook to the Cornwall Railway

A colour transparency of 'animal print fur hat on mannequin head', Truro, photographed by Andrew Lawson, about 1977.

Animal Print Fur Hat On Mannequin Head

circa 1977

A colour transparency of a 'cropped view of mannequin head with fur hat', Truro, photographed by Andrew Lawson, about 1977.

Mannequin Head Wearing Fur Hat

circa 1977

Air compressor, by Jun-Air, United States, for RoboThespian 3 robot actor, by Engineered Arts Ltd., Truro, Cornwall, England, 2016

Air compressor, for RoboThespian 3 robot actor


RoboThespian 3 robot actor, by Engineered Arts Ltd., Truro, Cornwall, England, 2016

RoboThespian 3 robot actor