Object type
Place of origin

Bristol Bleeper gamma radiation monitor made by Radiation Components Ltd


Lithograph, coloured; Mr Bishop's Observatory


Daily Herald Photograph: Prize-winning house design


Hand-operated printing press made by Adana (Printing Machines) Ltd

circa 1930

Photograph of filming of 'The Last Journey'

24 June 1935

Hand-operated printing press

Armdroid robotic arm


United Press International photograph titled 'Swinging Sir Laurence. Image shows Sir Laurence Olivier, in costume, rehearsing a Hungarian dance for the film of the National Theatre production of August Stringerg's 'The Dance of Death. The film was made at Twickenham Studios, London.

Laurence Olivier in 'The Dance of Death'

22 July 1968

Fire detection and alarm installation by Minerva Detector Co. Ltd., Twickenham,Middlesex,1965.

Fire detection and alarm installation by Minerva Detector Co. Ltd.


Interview with Paul Smart conducted by Christopher Mew on the 5th of August 2021 in Twickenham. Duration 7min 28 sec.This interview was conducted in a group with Allan galley and Douglas Downie, please see corresponding interviews. Early career; Operations Manager for Freightliner; Post privatisation service reliability; locomotive use; Bidding process; benefits of privatisation for Freightliner and professional life.

Paul Smart Interviewed by Christopher Mew


Glass-fibre reinforced polyester dinghy hull with fittings and trailer

Glass fibre dinghy


Interview with Douglas Downie conducted by Christopher Mew on the 5th of August 2021 in Twickenham. Duration 32 min. 30 sec. This interview was conducted in a group with Allan Galley and Paul Smart. Please see corresponding interviews. Early career; British Rail involvement in separation of businesses under organisation for Quality; freightliner early candidate for privatisation; Successful bid; assessment of revenue and identifying costs; Basford hall yard, centre for operations; buying new locomotives; West Coast modernisation; haulage of construction materials; British Rail lacked flexibility; partnership in financing with Rolling Stock Companies (ROSCO) backing helpful; new opportunities in coal business; organisation became part of distribution chain with large container and shipping companies; ROSCOs understanding on cooperation; how privatisation benefitted Freightliner; staff relationships; Solutions to problems with Train Operating Companies.

Douglas Downie Interviewed by Christopher Mew


Interview with Alan Galley, conducted by Christopher Mew on the 5th of August 2021 in Twickenham. Duration 19 min. 6 sec. This interview was conducted in a group with Douglas Downie and Paul Smart, please see corresponding interviews. Early career; becoming Managing Director of privatised Freightliner business; Freightliner management bid; Bid team; Business plan; Crewing considerations; Pay; new ways of working accepted; Trade Union supportive; overall improvements.

Alan Galley Interviewed by Christopher Mew
