On Display
Object type
Place of origin

Section of a Boeing 747, 1973.


X-ray for child

10 September 1957

LG Electronics microwave


The White House Millennium Council brooch in fitted box with presentation card


Photovoltaic panel, 2003


Composition caster, by the Lanston Monotype Corporation Ltd, 1897


United States standard half-bushel measure, 1842


Berghaus synthetic gloves


Star finder and identifier


Book by Buzz Aldrin on space exploration presented to Hawking


Book: first autobiography of Buzz Aldrin, with dedication to Stephen Hawking


Berghaus synthetic gloves


Periodic table blanket


NASA Conversion Tables for Velocities manual


Engineering model of Sizewell B PWR (Pressure Water Reactor) Nuclear Power Station, scale 1;20. Comprise eight quadrant portions representing the core and and two portions showing adjacent fittings and pipework, 1:20 scale. All on mobile platforms. Date of manufacture c.1985. Made by Forge House, Washington, Durham

Engineering model of Sizewell B PWR (Pressure Water Reactor) Nuclear Power Station


One pair of thermal long pants in porcelain green - large size. Made of polyester (polartec 100).

One pair of thermal long pants in porcelain green - large size


A wire photograph entitled 'Philip And Hume In Funeral Procession' taken by an unknown photographer for Associated Press 25 November 1963.

Philip and Hume in Funeral Procession


A wire photograph of the Kennedy funeral procession in Washington, taken by an unknown photographer for United Press 25 November 1963.

Kennedy Funeral Procession


A wire photograph entitled 'Statesmen and Royalty In Funeral Procession', taken by an unknown photographer for Associated Press 25 November 1963. the photographs shows satesmen and royalty marching in the funeral procession for John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

Statesmen and Royalty In Funeral Procession


Wire photograph entitled 'Kennedy's Body Taken to Final Resting Place', taken by an unknown photographer for Associated Press, showing the horse-drawn caisson turning onto Memorial Bridge, Washington, 25 November 1963.

Kennedy's Body Taken to Final Resting Place


A wire photograph entitled 'Model Of President John F Kennedy's Grave Memorial', taken by an unknown photographer 16 November 1964.

Model Of President John F Kennedy's Grave Memorial


A wire photograph, entitled 'JFK's Last Journey', taken by an unknown photographer, 25 November 1963. The photograph shows the funeral procession passing over Memorial Bridge, with the monument to Abraham Lincoln in the background.

JFK's Last Journey


A Wire photograph, captioned 'The Black-draped Caisson Carrying The Flag-draped Coffin of Late President John F Kennedy Moves Down Pennsylvania Avenue En Route from the White House to the Capitol this evening', taken by an unknown photographer, 24 November 1963.

The Black-Draped Caisson Carrying The Flag-Draped Coffin of Late President John F Kennedy


A wire photograph, entitled 'Warren Commission Report...', taken by an unknown photographer for Associated Press, 1964. The photograph shows the interior of the Presidential limousine used on the day of the assassination of John F Kennedy.

Warren Commission Report Published: Commission Exhibit 346


Black and white photograph entitled 'Manned Spacecraft Centre, Houston, Texas - Apollo 11 Crew', taken in May 1969 by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Caption reads: "The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has named three astronauts as the prime crew of the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission. Left to right, are Neil A. Armstrong, commander; Michael Collins, command module pilot; and Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr. Lunar module pilot."

Manned Spacecraft Centre, Houston, Texas - Apollo 11 Crew


A wire photograph, entitled 'Traditional Riderless Horse By Casket Bearing Remains Of Late President Kennedy At Capitol Steps', taken by an unknown photographer for United Press International 24 November 1963.

Traditional Riderless Horse by Casket Bearing Remains of Late President Kennedy


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'Washington DC' taken by Arthur Grace on 21 April 1988. From the Impressions Gallery exhibition 'Politicians', 16 January - 13 March 1993.

Washington DC


Black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'Employees at Work in US Navy Ordnance Shop' dated 1899. From the Impressions Gallery exhibition, 'What a Woman Can Do With a Camera' 13 July - 25 August 1984

Employees at Work in US Navy Ordnance Shop


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'Senator James Hamilton Lewis from Illinois during a meeting of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee' by Erich Salomon taken in 1932 in Washington DC.From the Impressions Gallery exhibition 'Politicians', 16 January - 13 March 1993

Senator James Hamilton Lewis


Selection of 10 embossed holograms mounted in two glazed frames. Taken and supplied by Applied Holographics Plc, Washington, Tyne & Wear, England, 1998.

Selection of 10 embossed holograms mounted in two glazed frames. Taken and supplied by Applied Holographics Plc


One of two photographs showing a transit instrument by Ertel and a mural circle made by Troughton and Simms at the U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington.

One of two photographs showing a transit instrument by Ertel and a mural circle made by Troughton and Simms


Black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'Johnston's Studio in V Street, North West Washington' dated c 1895. From the Impressions Gallery exhibition, 'What a Woman Can Do With a Camera' 13 July - 25 August 1984

Johnston's Studio in V Street, North West Washington


Black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'Employees at Work in US Navy Ordnance Shop' dated 1903. From the Impressions Gallery exhibition, 'What a Woman Can Do With a Camera' 13 July - 25 August 1984

Employees at Work in US Navy Ordnance Shop


Black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'The Laying of the Cornerstone and the Dedication of Memorial Hall, Headquarters of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Washington Spring,' dated 1904. From the Impressions Gallery exhibition, 'What a Woman Can Do With a Camera' 13 July - 25 August 1984

The Laying of the Cornerstone and the Dedication of Memorial Hall


A silver gelatin print from original glass negative entitled 'Sixth Division Students Visiting Library of Congress to see a Display of Wood Engravings' (detail from larger print) by Frances Benjamin Johnston, 1892. From the Impressions Gallery Exhibition 'What a Woman Can do With a Camera', 13th July - 25th August 1984.

Sixth Division Students Visiting Library of Congress


A colour photograph entitled 'President Regan speaking at the World Bank' by an unknown photographer. From the Impressions Gallery exhibition 'The Globe', 15 July - 2 September 1989.

President Regan Speaking at the World Bank

Silver gelatin print entitled 'Youngest Ever United States President'. Caption reads: "Washington D.C: A new and recent portrait of John F. Kennedy, the new president of the United States. He won the presidency from Republican candidate Richard Nixon in yesterday's election. At 43 years of age, he is the youngest man ever to be elected to the White House, and also the first Catholic to hold the office." Taken by Planet News Limited for Daily Herald.

Youngest Ever United States President


One long-sleeved thermal top, men's 'Active Comfort Layer', in porcelain green - large size

Berghaus long-sleeved thermal top


Bronze bust of Sir Henry Wellcome, by Edgardo Simone, Washington, United States, 1930.

Portrait bust of Sir Henry Wellcome


O'Rourke Mechanical Aptitude Test material, comprises: Form C test booklet and answer sheet, developed by L.J. O'Rourke, published by The Psychological Institute, Washington, D.C., 1939.

O'Rourke Mechanical Aptitude Test material


Two photos on one mount of the U.S. Naval Observatory at Washington

Two photos on one mount of the U.S. Naval Observatory at Washington


A photograph entitled 'Priest (K)neels To Pray at … casket of Late President Kennedy' taken by an unknown UPI photographer, 23 November 1963.

Priest (K)neels To Pray at … Casket of Late President Kennedy


A wire photograph entitled 'President Kennedy's First Press Conference', taken by an unknown photographer for Central Press Photos Ltd, showing President Kennedy gesticulating a point, 28 January 1961.

President Kennedy's First Press Conference


A wire photograph, entitled 'A Priest Kneels in Prayer Beside a … Coffin Bearing the Body of John F Kennedy…', taken by an unknown photographer, 23 November 1963.

A Priest Kneels in Prayer Beside a …Coffin Bearing the Body of John F Kennedy…


A wire photograph entitled 'Flag-draped Caisson Moves Down Pennsylvania Avenue En Route from White House to Capitol', taken by an unknown photographer for United Press International, 24 November 1963.

Flag-draped Caisson Moves Down Pennsylvania Avenue En Route from White House to Capitol


Aircraft, Boeing 247D, serial no. 1722. Built July 1933. (Some of switches, dials etc. are radioactive and have been given separate part numbers).

Boeing 247D, serial no 1722, 1933.


Lanston Monotype keyboard from 1897; no serial number. Made at Lanston Monotype Corporation Ltd, Washington DC, USA. A mechanism for perforating a paper ribbon which is used for controlling a composition caster. The keyboard has one bank of key buttons. Other features include a mechanical accumulator made up of a line-length rack, unit wheel, swinging arm and key-operated stops. The widths of characters were added up as they were keyboarded. There is a dial made of paper on the front of the machine.

Lanston Monotype keyboard from 1897