Object type
Place of origin

6 snapules of vandid (Vanillic Acid Diethylamide) in box


Tempotac made by Postlethwaite Electronics Associates

One of three single surface models in yellow wire


Single glass Klein bottle model.


Box containing 25g tube of Pragmatar, for skin disorders, by Smith Kline & French Ltd., Welwyn, 1965-1980

Box containing 25g tube of Pragmatar


Selection of three single surface models made of coloured wire mesh; Klein Surface, Heptahedron, Steiner's surface.

Selection of three single surface models made of coloured wire mesh


Klein Surface, one of three single surface models made of coloured wire mesh.

Klein Surface


Steiner's surface, one of three single surface models made of coloured wire mesh.

Steiner's surface


One of nine single surface Möbius strip models showing a Multiple Mobius Band, one edge, three loops, three twists, 1967.

One of nine single surface Möbius strip models showing a Multiple Mobius Band


One of nine single surface Möbius strip models showing a, one sided surface, one edge, two loops, one twist, 1967.

One of nine single surface Möbius strip models showing a


One of nine single surface Möbius strip models showing a one-sided surface, three edges, three loops, one twist, 1967.

One of nine single surface Möbius strip models showing a one-sided surface


One of nine single surface Möbius strip models showing a one-sided surface, two edges, three loops, two twists,1967.

One of nine single surface Möbius strip models showing a one-sided surface


One of nine single surface Möbius strip models showing a one-sided surface, two edges, two loops, one twist, 1967.

One of nine single surface Möbius strip models showing a one-sided surface


One of three single surface models in yellow wire showing a Cross Cap, 1967.

One of three single surface models in yellow wire


One of nine single surface Möbius strip models showing a cylinder, 1967.

One of nine single surface Möbius strip models showing a cylinder


Selection of nine single surface Möbius strip models, (a) cylinder, (b) Mobius Band, one edge, one loop, one twist, (c) one sided surface, one edge, two loops, one twist, (d) Multiple Mobius Band, one edge, three loops, three twists, (e) Multiple Mobius band (Bill's surface) one edge, three loops, three twists (f) One-sided surface, two edges, two loops, one twist, (g) One-sided surface, two edges, two loops, two twists, (h) One-sided surface, two edges, three loops, two twists, (i) One-sided surface, three edges, three loops, one twist, 1967.

Selection of nine single surface M�bius strip models


Poster, BRB, Meet some of the people who suspect that British Rail might be run by human beings. Photograph of group of passengers - student, senior citizens, disabled woman etc. Bournehall Press Ltd. No 6215/678. Format: double royal. Dimensions: 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm.

Meet some of the people who suspect that British Rail might be run by human beings

Selection of three single surface models in yellow wire showing; (a) Cross Cap, (b) Boy's surface, (c) Hilbert's model, 1967.

Selection of three single surface models in yellow wire showing


Heptahedron, one of three single surface models made of coloured wire mesh.

Heptahedron, one of three single surface models made of coloured wire mesh.


One of nine single surface Möbius strip models showing a Multiple Möbius band (Bill's surface) one edge, three loops, three twists, 1967.

One of nine single surface Möbius strip models showing a Multiple Möbius band (Bill's surface) one edge


One of nine single surface Möbius strip models showing a Mobius Band, one edge, one loop, 1967.

One of nine single surface Möbius strip models showing a Mobius Band


One of nine single surface Möbius strip models showing a one-sided surface, two edges, two loops, two twists, 1967.

One of nine single surface Möbius strip models showing a one-sided surface


One of three single surface models in yellow wire showing Hilbert's model, 1967.

One of three single surface models in yellow wire