Bottle containing crystalline penicillin G, made by ICI Ltd., Cheshire, 1965 Bottle of crystallin penicillin 1958
Canister of "Mepavlon" tablets (meprobamate) with some tablets remaining. Height 59 mm x diameter 30 mm, weight 10g. Inscribed: '30 / TRADE MEPAVLON MARK / MEPROBAMATE / TABLETS / 400 MILLIGRAMMES / IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED / PHARMACEUTICALS DIVISION / WILMSLOW CHESHIRE / Made in Gt. Britain / ... ICI'. Made by Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., Wilmslow, Cheshire. English, 1960-1970. Canister of 'Mepavlon' tablets 1960-1970
Bottle containing Avlon crystalline penicillin G, made by ICI Ltd., Cheshire, 1963 "Avlon" crystalline penicillin 1958
Bottle of "Fulcin" tablets, by Imperial Chemicals Industries, Ltd., English Bottle of "Fulcin" tablets
Leaflet, British Railways (London Midland Region), "Lancashire and the English Lakes Summer 1959", with information and map of the area. Printed by Richmond Press, Wilmslow, March 1959. Lancashire and the English Lakes summer 1959 1959-03
Bottle containing penicillin crystals made by ICI Ltd., Cheshire, 1968 Bottle of crystallin penicillin 1958
Bottle of "Icipen" tablets by Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, Pharmaceuticals Division, English. Bottle of "Icipen" tablets by Imperial Chemical Industries Limited
Bottle of "sulmezil v" tablets, by Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., England, 1960-1970 Bottle of "sulmezil v" tablets 1960-1970
Carton of catch covers of "Lapudrine" tablets, by Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., English Carton of catch covers of "Lapudrine" tablets
Canister of "Avloclor" tablets, by Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., English Canister of "Avloclor" tablets
Tube of "Nilergex S.A." tablets, by Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., English Tube of "Nilergex S.A." tablets
Bottle of "Bimez" tablets, prepared by ICI, Pharmaceuticals Division, Wilmslow, 1950-1970 Bottle of "Bimez" tablets 1950-1970
Bottle of sulphamezathine by Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., English Bottle of sulphamezathine by Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd.