Polemical pamphlet opposing any extension of railways into the Lake District beyond the existing terminus at Windermere. Pamphlet compiled by Robert Somervell of Windermere and printed by J Garnett of Windermere. Pamphlet comprises several reprinted articles from various publications arguing for the preservation of the Lakes landscape from further railway construction, together with an essay by Robert Somervell, a preface in support from John Ruskin; and a model form of petition and protest letter for use when notification of a railway bill is received. Also contains two essays on the despoilation of Wakefield, Yorkshire, by industry. A Protest against the Extension of Railways in the Lake District 1871-1881
Book, Recollections of Edward Bury, by his Widow, 24 pages, 1 illustrated plate of the "Liverpool" locomotive. Book of recollections of Edward Bury