Object type
Place of origin

gleneagles hotel

Kenwood Electric Chef' food mixer, model A700, with accessories, Woking, Surrey, 1950-1956


'Dishmaster' electric dishwasher made by Kenwood Manufacturing Co. Ltd

Huxley, Julian. At the Zoo (Woking: Unwin, 1936)


Two photograph albums compiled by Henry J O'Neill


Image of a group of Muslim leaders warming themselves around a heater

6 January 1935

Oral history interview with Gordon Pettitt, conducted and recorded by Frank Paterson (session 1) at the interviewee's home in Woking on 22 February 2017. Duration: 1 hr. 39 min. 5 sec. Career overview; move to Provincial; implementing Organising for Quality (OfQ); rebranding; General Manager Southern Region; sectorisation; working with Chris Green; division of responsibilities; Clapham accident; movement from regions to sectors; role in OfQ; issues facing Provincial; Class 14x Pacers issues; relationships with passenger transport executives (PTEs); Class 158 issues; re-naming as Regional Railways; setting-up team; OfQ based on sub-sectors; sub-sector management; moving headquarters to Birmingham; emergence of privatisation; personal impact; Central Wales line issues; relationships with PTEs; shortcomings of public service obligation (PSO); industrial relations; regrets

Gordon Pettitt interviewed by Frank Paterson (session 1 of 2)


Kenwood model A200 electric food mixer, one of the earliest Kenwood models, streamlined casing design with four speeds, double-rotary beaters, mincer, two bowls, fruit juice extractor set, small whisk for mixing drinks and buffer for polishing cutlery, by Kenwood Manufacturing Co., Woking, 1948

Kenwood model A200 electric food mixer


Dynascope by Vision Engineering Ltd., Woking, 1970-1980

Dynascope by Vision Engineering Ltd.


Pair of Sorbo cycle handlebar grips

Cycle handlebar grips


'Dynascope' Optical Beam Scan Projector (for projecting the image produced by a microscope on to a screen and giving a wide field of view) Model 4A by Vision Engineering Ltd.

Dynascope' Optical Beam Scan Projector


One set of exhaust pipes from Formula One car, of nickel alloy (Inconel), made and presented by McLaren International, 1996

Exhaust pipes from Formula One Grand Prix racing car, 1996


Rushes / 25/07/2007 / Filmed by Chris Hogg / Interview with Paul Kemp, area relief signalman Grade 8, also some interior shots of the box

Master MiniDV 'Woking Old Signal box'


25/07/2007 / Tape 1 / Filmed by Chris Hogg / Views of electrical control room Woking with commentary by Marc Alderman

Master MiniDV 'Electrical control room Woking, 1'


25/07/2007 / Tape 2 / Filmed by Chris Hogg / Woking electrical control room introdution by Marc Alderman

Master MiniDV 'Electrical control room Woking, 2'


Air ventilated Aircrew Coverall (tropical flying suit) by RFD-GQ Ltd., Woking.

Air ventilated Aircrew Coverall (tropical flying suit) by RFD-GQ Ltd

Kenwood 'Minor' portable food mixer, with wall bracket, made by Kenwood Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Woking, England, c.1955

Kenwood 'Minor' portable food mixer


Publications and notes concerning the Southern Railway Servants' Orphanage and the Southern Railway Homes for Old People, Woking, including typescript notes on the history of the Homes by H O'Neill, former Chairman, and Aldred George Evershed, former Secretary and Superintendent, c1885-1990. 7 items.

papers concerning the southern railway servants orphanage


Video oral history interview with John Palmer conducted and recorded by Gordon Pettitt on 18 June 2018, at the interviewer’s home. Duration: 2 hours 13 minutes. [Track 01] Career in Civil Service start 1952 to Head of Railways Directorate in 1976; challenges; creation of Department of Transport (DoT), identifying what was the job, frustration with British Rail, question if rail was declining; [00:04:30] business tackled; pigeon carriage, British Railways Board (BRB) St. Pancras-Bedford development investment proposals, re-signalling issues; [00:07:00] developing DoT and BRB relationship; [00:09:00] Transport White Paper, supported by DoT, not by BRB; [00:12:30] Joint Study of Electrification; Steering Group, opposing views of BRB and DOT, issues, political approach, conflict between DoT and BRB; [00:20:50] Impact of change of Government; BRB concerns, review of railways committee chaired by Sir David Serpell; [00:26:30] review outcome, Serpell Report; [00:31:00] questioning network efficiency, lack of feedback from Serpell report, conflicts within committee; [00:37:00] positive outcome from Serpell report; press conference; network maps concerns; end of Peter Parker’s BRB chairmanship, appointment of Bob Reid 1 (BR1), Nicholas Ridley (NR) Minister, 3 years plan for railways; good rapport between BR1 and NR, East Coast electrification; relationships between NR and Margaret Thatcher; [00:43:00] managing railways decline, moving towards a business led efficient railway, freight contracting; uneconomical passenger services, obstacles to closures, Bill Roger’s White Paper, Norman Fowler (NF)’s view of closures, resources for closures; [00:50:40] DoT Civil Service attitude; oil crisis impact on money to be transferred from road schemes to railways; no anti-rail lobby in the DoT; introduction of public obligation service grant, BRB reaction, challenges [00:59:59] [end of track 01] [Track 02] DoT and BRB relationship; fare change example; Ministers wanted railways run like a business; [00:06:10] NF appointed Secretary of State; NF and Peter Parker relationship; [00:08:30] privatisation politics, not part of Conservatives’ 1979 manifesto, railway’s privatisation considered after British Telecom's privatisation, suggestions for mini-privatisations, Slough-Eaton Riverside example; [00:13:40] DoT and Treasury relationship, only DoT dealt with BRB; impact and action taken due to economy recession, DoT information leak to BRB to address recession; after British Telecom privatisation and other industries Treasury focused on the railways privatisation; [00:20:30] Minister of Transport’s powers; St. Pancras- Bedford electrification; [00:22:10] DoT freedom in dealing with BRB, exceptions; dealing with strikes, conflicts examples; [00:28:00] changes with Thatcher government; BRB’s link with government, conflicts BRB and Unions; change to Labour Government, legislation impact on BRB and Unions relation; [00:31:30] changes following appointment of BR1, relationship with DoT [00:36:40] financial settlement; Quality Objectives introduced; Commuter Charter; [00:39:00] impact of changes Secretary of State (SoS), comments on different SoS; [00:45:30] Safety on the Railways; JP responsible for effectiveness of Railway Inspectorate, proposal for transfer of Railway Inspectorate transferred to Health and Safety Executive but maintained under DoT; [00:53:30] personal achievements at DoT; East Coast Electrification, railways changed to business led organisation; [00:56:30] latency from Conservative before privatisation took off; [01:01:20] JP joining BR, work on Channel Tunnel; [01:05:20] comparison between civil service and BR work; JP views of privatisation process; being removed from Channel Tunnel role, remaining as an adviser on privatisation; lawsuits; JP views of BRB on privatisation; JP focus ensuring that railway managers knew how to set up a bid as part of privatisation [01:13:34] [end of track 02] [end of interview]

John Palmer interviewed by Gordon Pettitt


Oral history interview with Gordon Pettitt, conducted and recorded by Frank Paterson (session 2) in Woking on 17 May 2018. Duration: 1 hr. 26 min. 42 sec. Retirement from Managing Director Regional Railways; management seminars; creating awareness of parliamentary process; Office of Passenger Rail Franchising (OPRAF); encouragement of management buyouts (MBOs); reactions from participants; Organising for Quality (OfQ) financial systems facilitated subsequent privatisation; personal satisfaction from running seminars; reactions of participants to MBO opportunities; advisory roles; Advisor to John Swift (Rail Regulator); guidance to Rail Regulator from Secretary of State for initial period; track access agreements; Stephen Glaister; OPRAF and Office of the Rail Regulator (ORR) roles; External Board Member to ORR; Advisor to British Airports Authority (BAA) Heathrow and Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL) planning; John Prideaux (Managing Director Union Railways); North London Line to St Pancras option rejected; comparison between High Speed 1 (HS1) and High Speed 2 (HS2); Railtrack incentives to improve reliability; personal assessment of implementation of privatisation

Gordon Pettitt interviewed by Frank Paterson (session 2 of 2)


Pair of Sorbo motor cycle knee grips, produced by Sorbo Rubber-Sponge Products Ltd, 1924.

Motor cycle knee grips


Steam Iron, "Steam-o-Matic" model no.A.801 by Kenwood Manufacturing Co. Ltd, Woking, England (serial no.S.35591/1) for 230-250V, 50Hz 1ph, 1000 watts. British patents nos 628085, 651986, c.1955

Steam Iron


Silver geletin contact sheet print showing scenes during the Eid celebrations at Shah Jehan Mosque in Woking. Captions are pasted on the reverse reading: Ron Burton Sun 12.1.67 / The Islamic Festival of Idal-Fitr at the Shah Jehan Mosque Woking. / Prayers and Sermon by Oman al-Hafiz B.A. Misri, followed by a feast as Moslems are not allowed to eat in daylight for a month before the Festival. / O.P.S Malcolm Anthony Murdock from New Eltham complete with robes sits down to the feast. His Moslem Name is Alhaj Mohammed.

Daily Herald Contact Sheet: Eid at Shah Jehan Mosque, Woking

12th January 1967

25/07/2007 / Filmed by Chris Hogg / Interiors and exteriors of Woking's old and new signal boxes, including interview with Paul Kemp, area relief signal man

Master MiniDV 'Woking new and redundant signal boxes'


26/09/2007 / Tape 3 / Filmed by Chris Hogg / Woking electrical control room, return visit with boards list, Marc Alderman and John Potter

Master MiniDV 'Electrical control room Woking, 3'


16/03/2007 / Filmed by Chris Hogg / RHC visit to Woking, including views of Signal box station and electrical control room

Master MiniDV 'Railway heritage committee visit to Woking'


Gear selector shaft from Formula One car, titanium coated with titanium nitride, made and presented by McLaren International, 1996

Gear selector shaft from Formula One car


Nose cone and front wing of Formula One car, carbon fibre reinforced epoxy resin, made and presented by McLaren International, 1996

Nose cone and front wing of Formula One car