Contemporary dockyard model scale 1:60 (unrigged), of a 1st-Rate 100-guns of George I reign, by Woolwich Dockyard, London, England, 1714-1727, and restored by Frederick Charles Ihlee, Paston Hall, near Peterborough, England, 1933-1938. It had been thought that the principal dimensions of the model correspond very closely with those of the 'Royal George'. However, comparison with the original Admiralty '1719 Establishment' specifications suggests that the model illustrates a projected design which was not later utilised. Contemporary dockyard model scale 1:60 (unrigged) 1714-1727; 1933-1938
Silver gelatin print by Keystone Press Agency, titled "Making 'Beau Brummell' film at Woolwich Barracks", 10 December 1953. Image shows Elizabeth Taylor (left) and Rosemary Harris sitting in an open landau while waiting to film a scene at Woolwich Barracks, East London. Making 'Beau Brummell' film at Woolwich Barracks 10 December 1953
Large cast-iron Rain-water Hopper Head 1844 from Royal Naval Dockyard, Woolwich Large cast-iron Rain-water Hopper Head 1844 from Royal Naval Dockyard 1844
[Letter] 1832 Feb 20 [to] Messrs Maudslay & Field, Lambeth Road / M. Brunel, [re principal dimensions of the Woolwich Pumps. 2p. on 1 leaf. Probably concerns pumps for Woolwich Dockyard. Item conserved and bound in limp folder] Letter 1832 Feb 20 [to] Messrs Maudslay & Field 1832
Contemporary dockyard structural model, scale 1:60 (unrigged), of the lower part (keel to just above waterline) of the hull, of a 1st-Rate 100-guns, of George I reign, by Woolwich Dockyard, Woolwich, London, England, 1714-1727, and restored by Frederick Charles Ihlee, Paston Hall, near Perborough, England, 1933-1938 Structural model of the lower part of the hull of First Rate warship of George I reign 1714-1727; 1933-1938
Model of the S.R.N.1 showing the hovercraft in its final form Model of the S.R.N.1 hovercraft, in its final form 1972
Model of Thor Heyerdahl's reed boat raft 'Ra II', composed of cylinders of vegetal stalks and basket-work cabin, with figures, by AA Croucher, Woolwich, London, England, 1973 Model of Thor Heyerdahl's reed boat 'Ra II' 1973
Model, scale 1:12, of a telescopic funnel invented by R. Taplin of H.M. Dockyard, Woolwich in 1848, on teak wood base, unsigned, Woolwich, Kent, England, 1848 Model of a telescopic funnel, on teak wood base 1848