Framed diagram of the 'Atlas of Acupuncture Points', showing a full length frontal view of a male figure marked with acupuncture points and connecting lines, from the surgery of a British practitioner c.1996, originally designed by Shohaku Honma in 1946, published by Ido-No Nipponsha, Yokosuka, Japanese, 1970-1990. Framed diagram of the 'Atlas of Acupuncture Points', front view 1970-1990
Framed diagram of the 'Atlas of Acupuncture Points', showing a full length back view of a male figure marked with acupuncture points and connecting lines, from the surgery of a British practitioner c.1996. originally designed by Shohaku Honma in 1946, published by Ido-No Nipponsha, Yokosuka, Japanese, 1970-1990. Framed diagram of the 'Atlas of Acupuncture Points', rear view 1970-1990