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Industrial Arts Magazine front cover
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Purvis Archive
Purvis, Tom (1880-1957)
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Purvis Archive
PUR/1 Lecture notes
PUR/1/1 Lecture Schedule
PUR/1/2 (1) Bradford Publicity Club
PUR/1/3 (2) Royal Society of Arts
PUR/1/4 (3) Newcastle Advertising Convention
PUR/1/5 (4) Glasgow Publicity Club
PUR/1/6 (6) National Society of Print Masters, (7) Cardiff Business Club
PUR/1/7 (8) Birmingham Advertising Club
PUR/1/8 (9) Master Printers’ Federation
PUR/1/9 (10) Art Workers’ Guild
PUR/1/10 (11) Regent Club
PUR/1/11 (12) Glasgow School of Art
PUR/1/12 (13) Edinburgh Gas Convention
PUR/1/13 (14) Bristol Design and Industries Association, 09/12/1935; (15) Bristol Broadcast Talk, 09/12/1935 and (16) Birmingham Advertising Club, 15/10/1936
PUR/1/14 (17) National Society of Art Masters
PUR/1/15 (18) Tobacco Travellers
PUR/2 Project folders
PUR/2/1 Stong’s Pale Ale: Pencil sketches for Strong’s Pale Ale on tracing paper with annotations and two black and white photographs of finished poster
PUR/2/2 Blackpool Pleasure Beach: Papers covering Purvis’ work with Blackpool Pleasure beach South Shore Ice Rink, including: correspondence between Purvis and Leonard Thompson, Director of Blackpool Pleasure Beach South Shore Ice Rink, Purvis’ notes regarding designs including sketches and drafts, letters from various printing companies including price lists and colour samples
PUR/2/3 Philips Lamps: Sketches, letters and notes regarding the ‘Electricity Wizard’ adcampaign for Philips and a newspaper cutting of the final advertisement.
PUR/3 Sketch books and sketches
PUR/3/1 Black sketch book with 45 pages of sketches/doodles
PUR/3/2 Blue/green sketch book with nine pages of sketches/doodles
PUR/3/3 Grey sketch book with 15 pages of sketches/doodles
PUR/3/4 Copy of a sketch of Sir William Bragg taken from the book, ‘Artists in Industry’
PUR/3/5 Sketch on card in black ink of Leo Cheney (poster artist) with note “keep this carefully”, on reverse: sketch of lady in hat and old man’s head
PUR/3/6 Two-page coloured cartoon entitled “Ferdie’s Night Errant”
PUR/3/7 Sketches/doodles drawn on scraps of paper and the backs of menus etc.
PUR/4 Biographical notes and letters about Purvis' life
PUR/4/1 Published
PUR/4/1/1 Newspaper clipping of obituary from the Times
PUR/4/1/2 Newspaper clipping of obituary from the Times
PUR/4/1/3 Newspaper clipping of obituary from the Times
PUR/4/1/4 Newspaper clipping of obituary from the Times
PUR/4/1/5 Signs and Outdoor Advertising
PUR/4/1/6 Obituary entitled, ‘Bristol Poster Artist Dies’, unknown publication
PUR/4/1/7 Short obituary from unknown publication
PUR/4/1/8 Short obituary from unknown publication
PUR/4/1/9 Short obituary from unknown publication
PUR/4/1/10 Short obituary from unknown publication
PUR/4/2 Unpublished
PUR/4/2/1 Biographical notes about Tom by Jane Purvis entitled ‘Chapter 1: Descriptions of a man’
PUR/4/2/2 “A few of the letters of sympathy and others written to Brumas which I feel you might like to read”
PUR/4/3 Material collected for a putative biography by Bevis Hillier and used for the published biography 'Art for the Sake of Money' by Ruth Artmonsky
PUR/4/3/1 Signed correspondence regarding Tom Purvis
PUR/4/3/1/1 Letters to Bevis Hillier from Douglas Percy Bliss, artist, wood-engraver and author
PUR/4/3/1/2 Letter to Bevis Hillier from Edward G. Powell, the then head of the department of commercial art at Glasgow School of Art, Tom Purvis recommended Powell for the aforementioned post
PUR/4/3/1/3 Letter to Douglas Percy Bliss from Edward and Alison G. Powell
PUR/4/3/1/4 Letter to Douglas Percy Bliss from Benno Scholtz, Scottish artist
PUR/4/3/1/5 Typed letter to Bevis Hillier from Jane Farmington, City of Manchester Art Gallery
PUR/4/3/1/6 Typed letter to Bevis Hillier from Jane Purvis, the artist's widow
PUR/4/3/1/7 Envelope and postcard to Bevis Hillier from Mark Haworth-Booth, curator at the Victoria & Albert Museum
PUR/4/3/2 Colour transparencies of posters by Purvis, taken with permission at the artist's home
PUR/4/3/3 Colour transparencies of paintings by Purvis
PUR/4/3/4 Correspondence relating to Purvis' poster for Strong's Pale Ale
PUR/4/3/5 Magazine illustrations by Purvis
PUR/4/3/7 Photograph of Tom Purvis in the First World War
PUR/4/3/9 Black and white images of Purvis' posters
PUR/4/3/10 Purvis' advertisements
PUR/4/3/11 Images relating to Purvis' life
PUR/4/3/12 Purvis' poster for Bulmer’s Cider and a photograph of the original model
PUR/4/3/13 An early poster by Tom Purvis, illustrated in The Advertising World
PUR/4/3/14 Purvis's Avenue Press poster
PUR/4/3/15 Images of drawings or paintings by Tom Purvis
PUR/4/3/16 Purvis' designs for Blackpool Pleasure Beach
PUR/4/3/17 Colour transparencies of Purvis' designs for Blackpool Pleasure Beach.
PUR/4/3/18 Invitation card designed by Tom Purvis
PUR/4/3/19 Photograph of Surrey Dane, a patron of Tom Purvis
PUR/4/3/20 Black and white photographs of Tom Purvis paintings, and a City Guide of Glasgow for the Forces.
PUR/4/3/21 Signed design for 'Touring the Ancient World with a Camera '
PUR/4/3/22 Article on Purvis by Herbert Furst in The Artist
PUR/4/3/23 Photographs of Tom Purvis with the Lancia car on permanent loan to him from Count Lancia, inscribed on the the rear
PUR/4/3/24 A parody cartoon of Purvis's poster for the British Industries Fair by Strube
PUR/4/3/25 Menu designs for The Savage Club, of which Tom Purvis was chairman, one signed by Purvis and others
PUR/4/3/26 Black and white images of Purvis' posters
PUR/5 Letters written by Purvis to his wife Jane
PUR/5/1 Notes mostly on Grosvenor Hotel paper with sketches of bears on them, all signed Brumas
PUR/5/2 Notebook used by Purvis to write notes to Jane, used by Janeafter his death to write biographical notes about his life and some poetry
PUR/6 Personal documents
PUR/6/1 Cutting of Tugend front cover
PUR/6/2 Issue of ‘Hush!: An Unofficial Publication from the Shrewsbury School’ Vol.1, No.1
PUR/6/3 Offset, Buch &Werbekunst: Offset Book and Advertising Art, Vol.3 No.1
PUR/6/4 RSA certificate in brown leather cylindrical case
PUR/6/5 Three cuttings and two photographs of country scenes of horses and blacksmiths
PUR/6/6 Passport
PUR/6/7 Cutting from The Picture Post showing pictures of Edward VII on one side and George V on the other
PUR/6/8 Christmas card from “‘Mama’ & Celeste” with sketch of Fern House, Marden by Purvis
PUR/6/9 Church programme entitled, ‘Mission to the Heathen Savages in the North West Territories’
PUR/6/10 Visa for entry into Belgium for Fred Purvis
PUR/6/11 Utgawa Kuniyoshi 1798-1861: Centenary Catalogue
PUR/6/12 Christmas programme of events from Grosvenor Hotel
PUR/6/13 Footlights program, signed by the cast: including Robert Atkins, Tim Brook-Taylor, Tony Buffery, Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Tony Hendra, Chris Stuart-Clark [relationship to Purvis not known]
PUR/7 Newpaper cuttings of articles by and about Purvis
PUR/7/1 Original order
PUR/7/1/1 (1) Article about Purvis' poster work for Austin Reed: 'Fanfare of Posters', in Austin Reed Supplement, Vol. 9
PUR/7/1/2 (2) Article discussing Purvis' use of photography to aid him in poster design: The Photographic Journal
PUR/7/1/3 (3) Five articles written about a Purvis poster design for British Industries Fair (B.I.F.) showing a gesture of beckoning that caused some offence, particularly in China, mounted on backing card: 'Britannia is not quite nice', in Daily Express, no date; 'Objection to British Poster', in Times, no date; 'Poster that was Withdrawn', in News Chronicle, no date; 'Poster that was Withdrawn in the East', in The Evening News, no date; '3 Countries Ban our Poster', in Daily Mirror, 28/1/1933
PUR/7/1/4 (4) Three articles referencing Purvis' poster work for B.I.F., mounted on backing card: Shy, T, 'Beyond the Headlines', in News Chronicle, 23/8/1937; 'B.I.F. 1937 Poster', in Birmingham Gazette, 16/10/1936; Daily Mirror, 31/7/1936
PUR/7/1/5 (5) Four articles written about Purvis’ work mounted on backing card: 'Britannia is Amazon', in Edinburgh Evening News, 9/8/1932; Cutting in reference to Purvis' poster work for B.I.F that caused controversy 'Girl Artists' Big Chance: Poster for the World', in News Chronicle, 15/12/1931; Article about competition with the Department of Overseas Trade for young poster designers – Purvis is serving on the judging panel 'Britannia is Amazon: The Beckoning Finger to Foreign Buyers', in The Star, 29/7/1932; Cutting in reference to Purvis' poster work for B.I.F that caused controversy 'New B.I.F Poster: Artist Chooses Amazon as Britannia', in Advertiser's Weekly, no date; Cutting in reference to Purvis' poster work for B.I.F that caused controversy
PUR/7/1/6 (7) Article referencing Purvis: Bayes, W. 'A Publicity Meeting on Art in Advertising', in Commercial Art
PUR/7/1/7 (8) Purvis, T. 'Art for the Sake of Money', in Advertising World
PUR/7/1/8 (9) Interview with Purvis: 'British Poster Design is Improving! Posters can now Sell Anything', in Marketing Supplement
PUR/7/1/9 (10) Small mention of Purvis and photograph of him working in his studio 'Round the Artists' Studio', in The Artist
PUR/7/1/10 (11) Article about LNER exhibition, referencing Purvis' work: 'Following the Railways', in The Connoisseur
PUR/7/1/11 (12) Article written by Purvis addressing contemporary art trends: Purvis, T. 'Let's Be Healthy', in Drawing and Design
PUR/7/1/12 (13) Article including sketches by Purvis of the female form: 'The Human Form', unknown publication
PUR/7/1/13 (14) Article including sketches by Purvis of the female form: 'The Human Form', unknown publication
PUR/7/1/14 (15) Purvis, T, 'Tom Purvis Attacks Plagiarism in Publicity', in Advertising Display
PUR/7/1/15 (16) Purvis, T, 'Posters have got to Kick', in Advertisers Weekly
PUR/7/1/16 (17) Articles relating to Purvis’ work with the LNER mounted on backing card: 'LNER Posters of Home and Foreign Scenes', in Morning Post, 3/4/1930; Review of LNER exhibition with reference to Purvis' work. 'Striking Designs for LNER', in Daily Telegraph, 24/3/1928; Article discussing LNER poster designs and artists, including reference to Purvis.
PUR/7/1/17 (20) Article referencing Purvis' design for a B.I.F. brochure front cover and inserts: ‘Reminders of the Industry Fair’, in Birmingham Post
PUR/7/1/18 (21) Two articles referencing Purvis’ commercial work mounted on backing card: Advertiser's Weekly, 22/9/1932; Photograph of Purvis and photograph of Austin Reed poster designed by Purvis. 'Posters from the LNER exhibition', in Advertising World, April 1932; Photograph of Purvis poster design.
PUR/7/1/19 (22) 5 articles referencing Purvis’ commercial work mounted on backing card: 'Advertise and Succeed', in Daily Telegraph, 14/2/1931; Article referencing Purvis and LNER ad campaigns 'Advertising as Art', in Times, 14/3/1931; Article about LNER exhibition referencing Purvis' work The Daily Sketch, 14/3/1941; Photograph of Purvis stood in front of LNER poster 'Poster Exhibition: Railway Art and Holiday Time', in Morning Post, 14/3/1931; Art review of LNER exhibition with reference to Purvis 'Art in Commerce', in Glasgow Herald, 21/1/1930; Article referencing Purvis' contribution to commercial art
PUR/7/1/20 (29) Article about commercial art in business referencing Purvis: ‘Commercial Art in Business’, in Yorkshire Observer
PUR/7/1/21 (37) Issue of the Journal of the Royal Society of Arts no. 5059, vol. CVII, containing obituary of Purvis
PUR/7/1/22 (38) Three articles containing reviews of LNER exhibition with reference to Purvis on backing card: 'Art Exhibition Poster Designs', in Times, 11/7/1928; 'LNER Posters', in Times, 24/3/1928; 'Art of the Poster – Striking Display of Railway Advertisements', in Morning Post, no date
PUR/7/2 Chronological order
PUR/7/2/1 Four clippings of illustrations from two articles mounted on backing card: Commercial Art, October 1924 and Commercial Art, September 1924
PUR/7/2/2 Second page of article in reference to Purvis: Commercial Art
PUR/7/2/3 Six articles about Purvis’ work with the LNER and one article about his work for The Daily Sketch (16/11/1925) mounted on backing card: Daily Sketch 15/4/1926, Times May 1925, Financial News 21/5/1925, Daily Chronicle Morning Post 30/3/1927, Times 29/3/1927, Daily Sketch 16/11/1925
PUR/7/2/4 Examples of Purvis’ work with LMS and LNER, with brief notes: ‘Anniversary displays’, in Commercial Art
PUR/7/2/5 Article written about Purvis' lecture to the Bradford Publicity Club: 'Craftsmen in Commercial Art', in Bradford Telegraph and Argus
PUR/7/2/6 Article written about Purvis' lecture to the Bradford Publicity Club: 'Practical Art: Famous Poster Designer's Views', in Yorkshire Evening Post
PUR/7/2/7 Referencing Purvis' work with the LNER: 'Poster Art and the Railway Companies', in The Observer
PUR/7/2/8 Article includes an interview with Purvis 'Are Cinema Posters Worth While?', in Advertising News
PUR/7/2/9 Two articles in response to a lecture given by Purvis, mounted in backing card: Advertising World, July 1931, Letter in response to Purvis lecture 'The Artist Talks with Printers', in Advertising World, August 1931, Advertising World, no date Purvis' response to reader's letter
PUR/7/2/10 First page of an article that draws directly on notes from a lecture for the Master Printers’ Federation, 08/06/1931: Purvis, T., 'The Artist Talks with Printers', in Advertising World, August 1931
PUR/7/2/11 Second page of an article that draws directly on notes from a lecture for the Master Printers’ Federation, 08/06/1931: Purvis, T., 'The Artist Talks with Printers', in Advertising World, August 1931
PUR/7/2/12 Article that draws directly on notes from a lecture for the Master Printers’ Federation, 08/06/1931: Purvis, T., 'The Artist Talks with Printers', in Advertising World, August 1931
PUR/7/2/13 Five articles about Purvis mounted on backing card: Daily Express, 7/3/1932, Article about Purvis and the Savage Club 'Buy British Poster', unknown publication, no date, Article about Purvis' Buy British poster 'Pretty Girl Pictures' no publication, no date, Small article, no reference to Purvis, 'Council School Boy Wins Fame as Poster Artist', unknown publication, no date, Article about Purvis visiting his old school, Advertising World, no date, small article about Purvis
PUR/7/2/14 Article about Purvis visiting Cardiff: 'Cardiff Poster Artist', in South Wales Echo and Express
PUR/7/2/15 'In the Poster World This Month', in Advertising World, reference to Purvis' "Bear" poster for McDougal's Flour
PUR/7/2/16 Article mentioning Purvis as one of the first designers to be made a Royal Designer for Industry by the Royal Society of Arts in 1936: 'Designers for Industry to be honoured: D.I. Equivalent of R.H', no author, publication name
PUR/7/2/17 Picture and information relating to Purvis' poster for the 1939 British Industries Fair 'Britannia's Key: Poster for the B.I.F.', in Times
PUR/7/2/18 Purvis cartoon accompanying an article about a visit to the Savage Club made by Eugene Goosens, musical director of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra: Cincinnati Times-Star
PUR/7/2/19 Article about advertising for HP sauce that makes reference to Purvis, showing a picture of him working on a Daily Herald poster: 'H.P. Stands for Humorous Posters', in Advertising World, no date
PUR/7/2/20 Article discussing Purvis’ work: Bradshaw, P. V, 'The Art of Tom Purvis', unknown publication, no date
PUR/7/2/21 Article discussing Purvis’ work: Bradshaw, P. V, 'The Art of Tom Purvis', unknown publication, no date
PUR/7/2/22 First page of article about Purvis designs for different companies, unknown publication, unknown title, no date
PUR/7/2/23 Bovril and Aquascutum cuttings from magazine articles, unknown publication, no date
PUR/8 Proofs, cuttings and originals of commerical designs
PUR/8/1 Cuttings and proofs, original sequence
PUR/8/1/1 (2/1) illustration from PAN
PUR/8/1/2 (2/4) PAN front cover
PUR/8/1/3 (2/5) PAN front cover
PUR/8/1/4 (2/6) PAN front cover
PUR/8/1/5 (2/7) PAN front cover
PUR/8/1/6 (3/1) PAN front cover
PUR/8/1/7 (3/2) PAN front cover
PUR/8/1/8 (3/3) PAN front cover
PUR/8/1/9 (3/4) PAN front cover
PUR/8/1/10 (3/5) PAN front cover
PUR/8/1/11 (3/6) PAN front cover
PUR/8/1/12 (3/7) PAN front cover
PUR/8/1/14 (3/10) PAN front cover
PUR/8/1/15 (3/11) PAN front cover
PUR/8/1/16 (3/12) PAN front cover
PUR/8/1/17 (3/13) 20 Story Magazine front cover
PUR/8/1/18 (3/14) illustration from PAN
PUR/8/1/19 (4/1) illustration from PAN
PUR/8/1/20 (4/2) illustration from PAN
PUR/8/1/21 (4/5) illustration from PAN
PUR/8/1/22 (4/6) illustration from PAN
PUR/8/1/23 (4/7) illustration from PAN
PUR/8/1/24 (4/10) illustration from PAN
PUR/8/1/25 (4/11) illustration from PAN
PUR/8/1/26 (4/40) illustration from PAN
PUR/8/1/27 (5/3) illustration from PAN
PUR/8/1/28 (5/5) illustration from PAN
PUR/8/1/29 (5/6) illustrations from unknown source
PUR/8/1/30 (5/8) illustration from PAN
PUR/8/1/31 (5/9) Photograph of illustration from PAN
PUR/8/1/32 (5/10) illustration from PAN
PUR/8/1/33 (5/11) illustration from PAN
PUR/8/1/34 (5/12) illustration from PAN
PUR/8/1/35 (5/13) illustration from PAN
PUR/8/1/36 (5/17) illustration from PAN
PUR/8/1/37 (5/17 spare) Photocopy of illustration from PAN
PUR/8/1/38 (5/21) illustration from PAN
PUR/8/1/39 (5/22) illustration from PAN
PUR/8/1/40 (6/1) Aquascutum design
PUR/8/1/41 (6/3) Aquascutum design
PUR/8/1/42 (6/3) Aquascutum designs
PUR/8/1/43 (6/4) Aquascutum designs
PUR/8/1/44 (6/5) Aquascutum designs
PUR/8/1/45 (6/6) Aquascutum designs
PUR/8/1/46 (6/7) Aquascutum designs
PUR/8/1/47 (6/8) Aquascutum designs
PUR/8/1/48 (6/9) Aquascutum designs
PUR/8/1/50 (6/10) Aquascutum designs
PUR/8/1/51 (6/13) Aquascutum designs
PUR/8/1/52 (6/15) Article 'The Printing Art'
PUR/8/1/53 (6/16) Karter Furs design
PUR/8/1/54 (6/19) Aquascutum design
PUR/8/1/55 (6/20) Aquascutum design
PUR/8/1/56 (6/21) Aquascutum design
PUR/8/1/57 (7/1) LMS design
PUR/8/1/58 (7/2) LMS design
PUR/8/1/59 (7/2) LMS design
PUR/8/1/60 (7/3) LMS design
PUR/8/1/61 (7/5) Gleneagles Golf Club design, LMS design
PUR/8/1/62 (7/6) LMS designs
PUR/8/1/63 (7/7) Colgate designs
PUR/8/1/64 (7/7 spare) Colgate designs
PUR/8/1/65 (7/8) Mother Shipton soap
PUR/8/1/66 (7/9) Mother Shipton soap
PUR/8/1/67 (7/10) Mother Shipton soap
PUR/8/1/68 (7/12) LMS, Gas Cooking
PUR/8/1/69 (7/13) The British Commercial Gas Association
PUR/8/1/70 (7/14) Beechams Pills
PUR/8/1/71 (7/16 spare) Royal Society Tobacco
PUR/8/1/72 (7/18 spare) Royal Society Tobacco
PUR/8/1/73 (7/19) Royal Society Tobacco
PUR/8/1/74 (7/19 spare) Royal Society Tobacco
PUR/8/1/75 (7/20) Austin Reed
PUR/8/1/76 (7/20 spare) Austin Reed
PUR/8/1/77 (7/21) McDougal Flour
PUR/8/1/78 (7/21) Colgate designs
PUR/8/1/79 (7/22) Colgate designs
PUR/8/1/80 (7/23) Colgate design
PUR/8/1/81 (7/24) Colgate design
PUR/8/1/82 (7/25) LMS design
PUR/8/1/83 (7/26) LMS design
PUR/8/1/84 (7/27) John Bull, LNER designs
PUR/8/1/85 (7/28) Sonatogen health tonic designs
PUR/8/1/86 (7/29) Thermogene designs
PUR/8/1/87 (7/32) Claz Ovo-Vitamin Food Drink designs
PUR/8/1/88 (7/33) CWS Soaps designs
PUR/8/1/89 (7/34) unlabelled designs possibly LMS
PUR/8/1/90 (7/35) unlabelled designs possibly LMS
PUR/8/1/91 (7/36) unlabelled designs
PUR/8/1/92 (7/37) CWS soaps designs
PUR/8/1/93 (7/38) McDougal Flour designs
PUR/8/1/94 (7/39) Sylvan Glen butter designs
PUR/8/1/95 (7/40) unlabelled designs of people washing
PUR/8/1/96 (7/41) John Bull designs
PUR/8/1/98 (7/43) Rye Crisp Bread designs
PUR/8/1/99 (7/44) unlabelled designs
PUR/8/1/100 (7/45) 'Mr Herbert Furst, Art Critic'
PUR/8/1/101 (7/46) Frys cocoa designs
PUR/8/1/102 (7/47) John Bull design
PUR/8/1/103 (7/48) illustrations of unlabelled designs
PUR/8/1/104 (7/49) LNER designs
PUR/8/1/105 (7/50) LNER designs
PUR/8/1/106 (7/51) LNER designs
PUR/8/1/107 (7/52) John Bull designs
PUR/8/1/108 (7/53) BP design
PUR/8/1/109 (7/54) BP design
PUR/8/1/110 (7/55) BP design
PUR/8/1/111 (7/56) woman with caption "Dame Ivy Says'' possibly design for Ivy Soaps
PUR/8/1/112 (7/57) Heinz Salad Cream design
PUR/8/1/113 (7/58) Austin Reed design
PUR/8/1/114 (8/5) 20 Story Magazine front cover
PUR/8/1/115 (8/6) Bovril Design
PUR/8/1/116 (8/7) The London Magazine front cover
PUR/8/1/117 (8/10) Rowntrees 'Free Chocolates' design
PUR/8/1/118 (8/11) Bovril and Passing Show designs
PUR/8/1/119 (8/12) Horlicks design
PUR/8/1/120 (8/13) Photograph of Passing Show front cover
PUR/8/1/121 (8/14) Photograph of Passing Show front cover
PUR/8/1/122 (8/17) Avenue Press design
PUR/8/1/123 (8/20) Ideal Home front cover
PUR/8/1/124 (8/21) LMS design
PUR/8/1/125 (8/21 spare) LMS design
PUR/8/1/126 (8/22) unlabelled illustrations
PUR/8/1/127 (8/24) photographs of unlabelled illustrations
PUR/8/1/128 (8/28) Colgate Design
PUR/8/1/129 (8/29) Kensitas Cigarettes
PUR/8/1/130 (8/30) Unlabelled illustration
PUR/8/1/131 (8/32) Myora Hair Removal
PUR/8/1/132 (8/34) Colgate design
PUR/8/1/133 (8/34) Colgate design
PUR/8/1/134 (8/35) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/135 (8/36) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/136 (8/36) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/137 (8/38) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/138 (8/39) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/139 (8/40) LNER designs
PUR/8/1/140 (8/41) Moor Park Golf Resort
PUR/8/1/141 (8/41 spare) Moor Park Golf Resort
PUR/8/1/142 (8/42) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/143 (8/45) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/144 (8/46) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/145 (8/47) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/146 (8/48) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/147 (8/49) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/148 (8/51) London Magazine front cover
PUR/8/1/149 (8/52) London Magazine front cover
PUR/8/1/150 (8/53) London Magazine front cover
PUR/8/1/151 (8/54) London Magazine front cover
PUR/8/1/152 (8/56) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/153 (8/57) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/154 (8/58) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/155 (8/59) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/156 (8/63) London Magazine front cover Christmas
PUR/8/1/158 (8/66) London Magazine front cover
PUR/8/1/159 (8/71) London Magazine front cover
PUR/8/1/160 (8/72) London Magazine front cover
PUR/8/1/161 (8/73) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/162 (8/74) Colour reproduction of front cover design for book: 'On the Line' by Dell Leigh, CLay & Sons
PUR/8/1/163 (8/76) London Magazine front cover
PUR/8/1/164 (8/78) London Magazine front cover
PUR/8/1/165 (8/80) Austin Reed
PUR/8/1/166 (8/81) Austin Reed
PUR/8/1/167 (8/82) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/168 (8/83) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/169 (8/84) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/170 (8/85) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/171 (8/86) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/173 (8/89) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/174 (8/90) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/175 (8/91) London Magazine front cover
PUR/8/1/176 (8/92) London Magazine front cover
PUR/8/1/177 (8/93) London Magazine front cover
PUR/8/1/178 (8/94) London Magazine front cover
PUR/8/1/179 (8/95) London Magazine front cover
PUR/8/1/180 (8/96) London Magazine front cover
PUR/8/1/181 (8/97) London Magazine front cover
PUR/8/1/182 (8/98) London Magazine front cover
PUR/8/1/183 (8/99) London Magazine front cover
PUR/8/1/184 (8/100) London Magazine front cover
PUR/8/1/185 (8/101) London Magazine front cover
PUR/8/1/186 (8/102) London Magazine front cover
PUR/8/1/187 (8/103) London Magazine front cover
PUR/8/1/188 (8/106) Goodwins Toilet Soap design
PUR/8/1/189 (8/106) London Magazine front cover
PUR/8/1/190 (8/107) Reproduction of LNER poster and original copy of Sailor Savouries postards
PUR/8/1/191 (8/108) Afrikander Tobacco
PUR/8/1/192 (8/109) Afrikander Tobacco
PUR/8/1/193 (8/110) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/194 (8/111) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/195 (8/112) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/196 (8/113) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/197 (8/114) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/198 (8/115) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/199 (8/116) Austin Reed design
PUR/8/1/201 (8/118) Austin Reed design
PUR/8/1/202 (8/119) Austin Reed design
PUR/8/1/203 (8/120) Austin Reed design
PUR/8/1/204 (8/121) Austin Reed design
PUR/8/1/205 (8/122) Austin Reed design
PUR/8/1/206 (8/123) Austin Reed design
PUR/8/1/207 (8/124) Austin Reed design
PUR/8/1/208 (8/125) Austin Reed design
PUR/8/1/209 (8/126) Austin Reed design
PUR/8/1/210 (8/127) Austin Reed design
PUR/8/1/211 (8/128) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/212 (8/129) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/213 (8/130) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/214 (8/131) Austin Reed design
PUR/8/1/215 (8/132) Austin Reed design
PUR/8/1/216 (8/134) Austin Reed design
PUR/8/1/217 (8/137) QUEVE front cover
PUR/8/1/218 (8/138) BP design
PUR/8/1/219 (8/139) Austin Reed design
PUR/8/1/220 (8/140) Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/1/221 (8/141) sketch of Viscount Snowden
PUR/8/1/222 (8/142) reproduction of BBC talks poster
PUR/8/1/223 (8/143) colour reproduction of front cover design for book 'On the Line' by Dell Leigh, CLay & Sons
PUR/8/1/224 (8/144) Daily Herald design
PUR/8/1/225 (8/145) Afrikander Tobacco
PUR/8/1/226 (8/146) Afrikander Tobacco
PUR/8/1/227 (8/147) Afrikander Tobacco
PUR/8/1/228 (8/148) Afrikander Tobacco
PUR/8/1/229 (8/149) Afrikander Tobacco design
PUR/8/1/230 (8/150) Afrikander Tobacco design
PUR/8/1/231 (8/151) Afrikander Tobacco design
PUR/8/1/232 (8/152) Afrikander Tobacco design
PUR/8/1/233 (8/153) Afrikander Tobacco design
PUR/8/1/234 (8/154) Afrikander Tobacco design
PUR/8/1/235 (8/155) Afrikander Tobacco design
PUR/8/1/236 (8/156) Afrikander Tobacco design
PUR/8/1/237 (8/157) Afrikander Tobacco design
PUR/8/1/238 (8/158) Mother Shipton Soap poster
PUR/8/1/239 (8/159) Velveeta Cheese Spread
PUR/8/1/240 (8/160) Velveeta Cheese Spread
PUR/8/1/241 (8/161) Velveeta Cheese Spread
PUR/8/1/242 (8/162) Velveeta Cheese Spread
PUR/8/1/243 (8/163) Small reproductions of Shell poster designs and one small reproduction of Austin Reed poster designs
PUR/8/1/244 (8/164) Small reproduction of 'Buy British' poster design, proof of LNER designs
PUR/8/1/245 (8/165) King George Chocolates design
PUR/8/1/246 (8/166) front cover of Cancer 'Help Our Fight' campaign programme
PUR/8/1/247 (8/167) Modern Man magazine front cover
PUR/8/1/248 (8/168) small reproductions of Shell poster designs
PUR/8/1/249 (8/170) Guards '232' Sandom clothing design
PUR/8/1/250 (8/171) Guards '232' Sandom clothing design
PUR/8/1/251 (8/172) Guards '232' Sandom clothing design
PUR/8/2 Alphabetical
PUR/8/2/1 A-Batschari Oriental Cigarette designs
PUR/8/2/2 Advertisers Weekly front covers
PUR/8/2/3 Afrikander Flake Tobacco designs
PUR/8/2/4 Aquascutum designs
PUR/8/2/5 Arrow Shirts designs
PUR/8/2/6 Austin Reed designs
PUR/8/2/7 Avenue Press design
PUR/8/2/8 Bass Beer design
PUR/8/2/9 Black and white reproduction of Blackpool Pleasure Beach Ice Drome
PUR/8/2/10 Bob Martin's Tasteless Condition Powers for Puppies
PUR/8/2/11 Bovril designs
PUR/8/2/12 BP designs
PUR/8/2/13 British Commerical Gas
PUR/8/2/14 British Industries Fair designs
PUR/8/2/15 Canadian Pacific Mont Cruises designs
PUR/8/2/16 Cancer 'Help Fight our Campaign' programs
PUR/8/2/17 Ceylon Ice and Cold Storage Comapny
PUR/8/2/18 Colgate designs
PUR/8/2/19 CWS Soaps designs
PUR/8/2/20 Daily Herald designs
PUR/8/2/21 Glax Ovo-Vitamin Food Drink designs
PUR/8/2/22 reproductions of 'Buy British' poster; 'Lend to Defend his Right to be Free, Buy Defence Bonds'; Her Majesty's Stationary Office
PUR/8/2/23 Horlicks design
PUR/8/2/24 Industrial Arts Magazine front cover
PUR/8/2/25 Interwoven Socks reproductions, cuttings, photographs
PUR/8/2/26 Ivy Soaps original print
PUR/8/2/27 Black and White poster reproduction John Bull design
PUR/8/2/28 Kensitas Cigarettes designs
PUR/8/2/29 Labour LCC election Poster
PUR/8/2/30 LMS designs
PUR/8/2/31 LNER designs
PUR/8/2/32 London Magazine front covers
PUR/8/2/33 The Magpie Magazine illustration
PUR/8/2/34 McDougalls Flour design
PUR/8/2/35 Modern Man front cover designs
PUR/8/2/36 Mother Shipton Soap designs
PUR/8/2/37 Myora Hair Removal design cutting
PUR/8/2/38 Palm Beach Clothing black and white poster reproductions
PUR/8/2/39 PAN magazine cuttings of front cover designs and illustrations
PUR/8/2/40 Passing Show magazine front cover cuttings
PUR/8/2/41 People Newspaper designs
PUR/8/2/42 Ponds Cold Cream design
PUR/8/2/43 Royal Society Tobacco design
PUR/8/2/44 Sailor Savouries design
PUR/8/2/45 Shell design small colour posters and reproductions
PUR/8/2/46 St Bruno Flake Tabacco design
PUR/8/2/47 Program for composer Sterndale Bennett
PUR/8/2/48 Sylvan Glen Butter designs
PUR/8/2/49 The Tatler cutting illustrations
PUR/8/2/50 Worthingtons cutting design
PUR/8/2/51 Unknown campaign cuttings and proofs
PUR/9 Photographs of portrait work
PUR/10 Personal photographs
PUR/10/1 Black and white photographs of various subjects probabaly taken by Purvis
PUR/10/2 Envelope entitled 'Savage Club Members' containing photographs probabaly taken by Purvis
PUR/10/3 Black and white photographs of Purvis, including one glass negative
PUR/10/4 Envelope containing black and white photographs and negative of Le brun painting, with note "Negatives and prints of 'Old Master Painting'"
PUR/10/5 Black and white photographs of Purvis' grave