Harry Sanders Archive

This archive relates to Harold “Harry” Sanders’s career as a cinema manager from the 1920s-1960s and later his involvement with local cinemas and press about him after his retirement into the 1980s. It includes weekly statement sheets and booking and cinema diaries from the 1920s-1950s in which Sanders noted the films shown, attendance, ticket prices, and notable visitors. There is also a notebook with plans and sketches for Grantham cinema from 1925 including sketches of attendants' uniforms and ideas for publicity.

The archive contains Sanders’s 1927 entry for “The Cinema” 100 Guineas Silver Challenge Cup Competition relating his publicity stunts for the film "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp". There is also a photograph of a publicity stunt for the film "Rooney cleaning up the town with laughter".

The collection also contains scrap books with press cuttings about Sanders and the cinemas he managed as well as photographs of cinemas, staff, and events such as talent competitions.

The archive also contains correspondence, publications such as The GEM Bulletin, and personal papers such as a bullet-point autobiography. There are also a number of promotional materials from cinemas across the UK including programmes and flyers.

The archive also holds 5 cassette tape recordings of Harry Sanders on local radio.


9 clamshell boxes
Access is given in accordance with the NMeM access policy. Material from this collection is available to researchers through the museum’s Insight facility.
System of Arrangement:
There was very little original order in this archive. The materials were mainly kept together by type, which the cataloguing archivist has preserved. Where no original order was present, additional series' relating to type of material were created.

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