Weekly statement sheets for Kings' Cinema (Bristol)
Volume containing weekly statement sheets for Kings' Cinema in Bristol. Each sheet containing information about films sheet and takings for each week. Comprises details of titles of films, maker, date screened, how received by patrons, weekly expenses (e.g. film rent, film purchase, lighting, advertising, printing and staff wages), net profit and manager’s remarks on the week. Sander’s remarks include impact of weather on ticket sales, his views on popularity and quality of films.
- Extent:
One volume, 202 x 303mm
- Identifier:
- SAN/2/2
- Access:
- Access is given in accordance with the NMeM access policy. Material from this collection is available to researchers through the museum’s Insight facility.
- copyright:
Copies may be supplied of items in the collection, provided that the copying process used does not damage the item or is not detrimental to its preservation. Copies will be supplied in accordance with the NMeM’s terms and conditions for the supply and reproduction of copies, and the provisions of any relevant copyright legislation.