Research material for the book 'The Twitmarsh Files'

"The book was written under the pseudonym R.T. Fishall.

The box file contains a photocopy of 'Bureaucrats, How to Annoy Them', written under the same pseudonym; seven sheets of A4 cartoon line drawings; a folder of newspaper cuttings about animals in the news; correspondence dated 2005 'The Hum and the Bug'; a folder of newspaper cuttings of amusing stories; a folder of newspaper cuttings of court cases and those seeking damages; a folder of newspaper cuttings 'The Majesty of the Law'; newspaper cuttings on religion; newspaper cuttings of obscure news stories; newspaper cuttings of speeding and motoring; newspaper cuttings of lottery stories. A4 typed pages titled 'Waste not want not'."


1 box file
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