Draft typescript of 'Sail and Sweep in China'

Full title: 'Sail and Sweep in China, The History and Development of the Chinese Junk as Illustrated by the Collection of Junk Models in the Science Museum with Drawings and plans by the author G.R.G Worcester'
Folder 1 contains: Foreword, Acknowledgment, Introduction, Contents, Chapter 1 (Historical Background) and Chapter 2 (Junks in General)
Folder 2 contains: Chapter 3 (Sea-Going Junks)
Folder 3 contains: Chapter 4 (Riverine Junk)
Folder 4 contains: Chapter 5 (Fishing Junks)
Folder 5 contains: Chapter 6 (Junks used in Rapids)
The pages have notes and corrections all over for indications of the published book.
- Extent:
- Identifier:
- MS/2084/3
- Access:
- Open Access
- copyright:
Copies may be supplied in accordance with current copyright legislation and Science Museum Group terms and conditions