Radio observations, satellite launches and related documents


1. Radio observations of satelites by year, 1960-1973

2. Cosmos launches, data and notes, 1966, 1969, 1970, 1971

3. Classification of Russian launches, 1973-1986 (1981 missing)

4. Table of manned spaceflights (USA and USSR), 1961-1965

5. Table of launches: The Moon Race (USA and USSR), 1957-1969

6. Table of early lunar missions (USA and USSR), 1957-1973

7. Table and graph of interplanetary flights to Venus

8. Table and graph of cosmonaut durations in space

9. Table of all 1982 launches by country, launch vehicle, mission type, and other data, including totals

10. Extracts from Joint Publications Research Service 1979-1981

11. Notes on magnetic dumping of rotation of artifical satelites, 1960-1962


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