File for 1967 Aerial 3 satellite and track diagrams for various rockets and satellites

Contains G E Perry's notes, press cuttings, log of signals picked up at Kettering Grammar School, info re UK3 (Radio and Space Research Station) dated 28th April 1967, track diagrams for Aerial 1 & 2 rocket and satellite, Tiros 5 & 6 rocket and satellite, 1962 Beta-Kappa 1 (Midas 6), Samos 2 satellite, 1963-26A Geophyiscs Radiation Satellite, Explorer 16, Alouette rocket and satellite, Anna 1B rocket and satellite, 1962 Beta-Tau 1 and Injun 3, Relay rocket and satellite, Telstar (1962-Alpha-Epsilon 1), 1962 Alpha Omicron (Scout satellite), Discoverer satellites (i 71˚ P 93 mins), 1962 Beta psi transit 5A satellite, 1963-09A Explorer 17 satellite, Discoverer satellites (i 82˚ P 93 mins)


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