Files for 1961-027A Discoverer 32, 1961 Alpha Gamma 1, 1961-034A Discoverer 36, 1961 Alpha Kappa 1

1/ Two books containing logs of signals, detailed notes and graphs for Discoverer 32; paper 'Some notes and observations on Discoverers 32 and 36 (GE Perry and J D Slater)', Perry's correspondence to Martin & Swenson (University of Illinois), their replies, information, and various papers and photographs including Nora-Alice 1 (NA1 and NA2 were transmitters flown in Discoverers 32 and 26 respectively)

2/ Two books containing logs of signals, detailed notes and graphs for Discoverer 36, rough notes and reference articles, correspondence with Dr King-Hele, DSIR Bulletin 11 re Discoverer 36, Perry's paper ' A quantitative Doppler Effect experiment for the Grammar School Sixth From', letter to the US Information Service and reply, and photographs linking to the Martin/Swenson correspondence in file 1/


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