Documents relating to the Kettering Group's study of the decay of Skylab


1/ Predictions for 1973-27A Skylab from 7 November 1978 to 12 July 1979

2/ Two photographs depicting Skylab and rocket passing through Vulpecula on 30 Aug 1973 (possibly taken by Dave Hawkins, Kettering Group) and a ground track from computer screen rev 34981; decay graphs; correspondence between G E Perry and a lady in Plymouth; press cuttings; articles and NASA announcements

3/ Predictions and newspaper cuttings

4/ Graphs, correspondence, photographs and negatives (including a photo of Isabel Perry, Derek Slater and the spectrum analyser), information for the press, G E Perry's cover sheet for 1973-27A Skylab, articles and equator crossing predictions

5/ Isabel Perry's project on Skylab containing articles, newspaper cuttings, correspondence, graphs, two-line element sets, rough notes and photographs


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