Papers relating to Ferranti Computer Systems Division
- Made:
- 1953-01-01-1989-12-31
Archive relating to the work of James Barry Schumm and Zena Vakil at Ferranti Ltd in the Computer Systems division, Wythenshawe, 1953-1989. The archive includes documentation for the Argus 100, 300, 400, 500 and 700 models, other Argus computer system documentation, papers relating to military and command control projects, papers relating to Torness and Longannet Power Stations, technical drawings, product information leaflets, papers relating to Ferranti social activities, papers relating to work expenses and a letter sent to Zena Vakil by the Ministry of Aviation, indicating that her role included access to “exceptionally secret information”.
- Extent:
58 Items
- Identifier:
- 2023-585
- Access:
- Largely open access. A Data Protection form must be signed in order to access some material within this collection.
- copyright:
Copies may be supplied in accordance with current copyright legislation and Science Museum Group terms and conditions. The copyright in these documents will be owned by the successors to Ferranti International plc, and potentially to Fujitsu where the computers being developed formed part of the sale of the Computer Division to ICT in 1962.