Company presentation: early computers. D A Birkett, ICT Company Information Officer.
Photocopy of a 4-page typed memorandum, consisting of listings and notes on the deliveries of ICT-related computers. The memorandum�s front-page date is 8th December 1966; the fourth back page was evidently issued later, and has the date 6th March 1967. Covers EMIDEC 1100 & 2400; Ferranti Mark I, Mercury, Pegasus, Sirius, Orion, Atlas; ICT 1200 series, 1300 series, 1500 series; 1900 series. There is a page of �important historical events�, covering the period 1947 � 1964. Of the other ICT people mentioned in this document, Cedric Dickens is believed to have been a Public Relations person and �JL� is John Lidell, the manager for the central computer allocations unit at ICT Putney at the time. The document was photocopied from the Science Museum�s Document Archive, catalogue number COM/1993/1446.
- Extent:
1 item
- Identifier:
- LAV/1/2/UK5/11
- Access:
- Open Access
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