Verascope F40 Stereoscopic Viewer
Viewer for steroscopic slides on perforated 35mm film with adjustable and focusing eyepieces designed with tablestand for viewer. Jules Richards c.1938.
Verascope F40 stereoscopic camera for standard perforated 35mm film giving pictures 24 x 30mm. With coupled rangefinder for focusing. With behind the lens metal blind shutter. with speeds 1 sec to 1/250sec B. & T. Shutter synchronsied for electronic flash and flash bulbs. Fitted with a Berthoit Flor lenses F.3.5 40mm. All metal construction covered in leather with chrome finishings.Jules Richards, 1900-1920
Viewer for steroscopic slides on perforated 35mm film with adjustable and focusing eyepieces designed with tablestand for viewer. Jules Richards c.1938.
Verascope F40 stereoscopic camera special stereo viewers. Jules Richards. c.1952