Bottle for Stovaine
Bottle for Stovaine, empty
Mahogany medicine chest, used by a dentist, containing 27 glass bottles, 22 labelled, 3 drill bits, 15 anaesthetic needles, a glass slide, 4 confection glasses, a ceramic pestle and mortar, spare glass stopper, glass plate and bone spatula, late 19th century
Bottle for Stovaine, empty
Bottle for permanganate of potash, empty
Glass, square based bottle with glass stopper and paper label. Label reads 'Cocaine Mist 8%'. Believed to be Cocaine mixture 8% (cocainae mistura). There are no contents but a trace remains. Though mixtures are normally liquid, and the trace within the bottle are dry, it is believed that this is due to evaporation of the liquid over time.
Bottle for styptic colloid, empty
Bottle for unknown drug, empty
Bottle of unknown drug
Bottle of hamamelis tincture
Bottle of compound tincture of iodine and Fleming's tincture of Aconite
Bottle of glycerin
Bottle of eucaine tablets
Bottle for tincture of myrrh, empty
Glass, square based bottle with glass stopper and paper label. Label reads 'Cocaine Mist 8%'. Believed to be Cocaine hydrochloride. There are no contents but a trace remains. Dispensed by C R Sharman APS, of Gravesend, Kent.
Bottle for hydrogen perchloride, empty
Bottle of ferrous perchlorate
Bottle for carophyll oil, empty
Bottle of unknown drug
Mahogany medicine chest case without content (see other parts for rest), late 19th century
Bottle of unknown drug
Bottle for rectified spirit of wine, empty
Bottle for absolute alcohol, empty
Bottle for aromatic spirit of ammonia, empty
Anaesthetic needles (13)
Bottle, empty
Bottle for copper sulphate
Bottle of empty aura percha
Glass, square based bottle with metal screw cap. Paper label at base. Bottle embossed with 'CAS' 'Half Ounce C.A.S. Alloy' 'A Perfect Filling Material' 'Cash and Sons 30 E 14th St New York'. Paper label reads cocaine. It is unclear as to whether cocaine is the original contents of this bottle or it was just placed here for storage.
Confection glasses (4)
Bottle for unknown acid, empty
Bottle for iodotor, empty