Bottles (3)
Bottles (3), empty
Medicine chest, almost full, 28 glass bottles, 18 labelled, glass pestle and mortar, balance, 9 weights, thermometer, 2 bandages and 4 boxes give by Dr. James Perie to A.A. Sanderson in 1924, with some new contents, made c1860
Bottles (3), empty
Bottle of lysol
Bottle of eucalyptus oil
Bottle of Wincarnis
Bottle for sal volatile, empty
Bottle, empty
Bottle for sweet spirit of nitre, empty
Bottle of spirit of wine
Bottle, empty
Bottle for tincture of iodine, empty
Bottle of soda mint
Bottle of insect powder
Bottle for sodium carbonate, empty
Bottle of placebos
Bottle of boracic acid
Bottle for camphor, empty
Bottle of ammoniated quinine
Bottle of cascara sagrada
Glass bottle with glass stopper of 'P. Creta Aromati c. Opii' tablets (Aromatic powder with opium), half-full. 83 mm x 21 mm diameter at base, 42g. Burroughs Wellcome, London, c. 1860.
Clear glass, circle based bottle with cork stopper and paper label. To contain approximately 1 ounce of Pinheroin brand of linctus of terpin and heroin. This product is believed to be a cough suppressant due to the opiate nature of heroin and the and bronchodilatory properties of terpin.
Bandage, linen and gauze, in paper wrapper
Bottles (2)
Bottle of pills (unknown)
Bottle of calomel
Bottle, empty
1/2 drachm weight
6 grain weight
5 grain weight
4 grain weight
2 grain weight
1 grain weight
Plaster spreader
Balance, weighing scales, iron beam brass scales
Bandage, linen and gauze, in paper wrapper
Box of boracic ointment
Boxes (2) of ointment (unknown)
Box for bovril, empty
Thermometer (cased)
Paper certificate
Medicine chest case (without contents see other parts), made c1860