Mahogany medicine chest, 1831-1870

Mahogany medicine chest, 1831-1870

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Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Rectangular mahogany medicine chest, with 16 glass bottles, all labelled, glass mortar and pestle, broken measuring cylinder, balance, weights and palette knife, English, 1831-1870


Bottle for laudanum

Bottle for laudanum

Glass bottle with glass stopper and chamois covering for Laudanum (opium tincture), with traces remaining. 70 mm x 50 mm x 25 mm, 65g. Dispensed by Savory and Moore, English, mid 19th century.

overall: 70 mm x 50 mm x 25 mm, 65g
chest, mahogany , chest and handle, brass and lining, velvet
Object Number:
A630189 Pt14
bottle and opium