Patent "Rapidor" sawing machine
Patent "Rapidor" sawing machine, size No.1, capacity 6" x 6", complete with: grease gun; spanner; instruction card
This power driven metal-cutting saw designed for modern workshop practice has a capacity of 6 in by 6 in. It was sold under the name 'Rapidor'.
The machine embodies several improvements on the earlier type, chief among them being the dash-pot mechanism whereby the pressure on the saw is automatically relieved on the return stroke. This also provides a means of checking the descent during the initial downward movement, thus, allowing the saw, even while moving, to be lowered gently onto the work. An adjustable stop is also provided for automatically stopping the machine at any depth of cut. The vice for holding the work is capable of being swivelled for making angular cuts, and provision is made for starting the cut on sharp corners.