One Keyhole Saw or Pad Saw with ebony handle Keyhole Saw, with ebony handle, from Shipwright's tool chest, 1845-1855
Double-edged saw, Japanese, type 'Tokubetsu Bronze Seal Azebiki Nokogiri', 90mm, 22tpi / 12tpi, 1999. Double-edged saw 1999
Stanley 'Jet Cut' hardpoint tenon saw, ref. 1-15-216, 11 teeth per inch, 12" saw, made in France 1999. Stanley 'Jet Cut' hardpoint tenon saw 1999
Saw, Japanese, type 'Anzenkamisori Silver Seal Seiun Ryoba Nokogiri', 240mm, 1999. Saw, Japanese, type 'Anzenkamisori Silver Seal Seiun Ryoba Nokogiri' 1999
Saw, North Eastern Railway, metal rip-saw with wooden handle. Blade marked "NER. Dunford Bro. Newcastle-on-Tyne". Saw, North Eastern Railway
Beading saw, Japanese, type 'Samurai Bronze Seal Semai Dozuki Nokogiri', 240mm, 9 tpi, 1999. Beading saw 1999
Saw, London & North Eastern Railway, metal rip-saw with wooden handle. Blade marked: "Crownshaw Chapman & Co Don Saw Works. Cast Steel Sheffield" "L&NER". London & North Eastern Railway saw
Two saws of stone and glass flakes set in gum, Western Australia Two saws of stone and glass flakes set in gum
Patent "Rapidor" sawing machine, size No.1, capacity 6" x 6", complete with: grease gun; spanner; instruction card Patent "Rapidor" sawing machine