Sharp, Cyril Herbert
- Made:
- 2000-08-15; 2000-09-19 in Doncaster
d.o.b. 1926-10-21, railway work 1943-1999, Topics: footplate cleaner, fireman, driver; trade union; local departmental committee; railway welfare; Places: Grimethorpe; Cricklewood Depot, London; Stafford; childhood, Grimsby, Hull, Sheffield; Second World War, evacuation, Sheffield Blitz; family railway background; cleaner, Grimethorpe, LMS; colour vision test; training; NUR; Cricklewood Depot, London, shortage of firemen; Midland Enginemen's Fund; transfer to Stafford, railway barracks; work with Armed Forces personnel, staff shortages; marriage, accommodation; conditions (weather, ice), Dore & Totley Tunnel; steam trains working in tunnels, conditions (illness); promotion to driver, 1960, conditions (pay); contrast between LMS and LNER railways; travel to work; trade union, transfer from NUR to ASLEF, 1955 strike; LDC representative; LDC work; social security tribunal; health and safety at work representative, 1974; suicides on the line; retirement, 1991. 3.1496 x 2.8346 x .315 in.
- Category:
- Oral Histories
- Collection:
- National Archive of Railway Oral History
- Object Number:
- NAROH2000-64
- Materials:
- plastic (unidentified)
- Measurements:
overall: 80 x 72 x 8 mm
- type:
- recording
- credit:
- Friends of the National Railway Museum