On Display
Object type
Place of origin

Stirling single locomotive wheel casting pattern, Great Northern Railway


Model of "Silver Link" steam locomotive


Manually operated pump for liquid refrigerant


Royal Saloon, Queen Mary's


Doncaster Aviation Contest


British Railway Board Standard Locomotives engineering drawings archive

Daily Herald Photograph: Volunteer coal miners


Daily Herald Photograph: Rescued Miner, Hickleton Main Colliery


Daily Herald Photograph: Bevin mine trainees, Askern Colliery


Four of the seven coal miners rescued from Hickleton Main Colliery, Doncaster


Great Northern Railway brake van


Pump for liquid and vapour refrigerant


Doncaster Works Album


GB 756 2000-7200 Doncaster Locomotive Works Archive

Collection of approximately 10000 drawings of railway carriages and wagons and components


London & North Eastern Railway Vacancy for a Boy, 1935


British Railways (Eastern Region) Minutes and Papers re Diesel Locomotives


Locomotive Worksplate, GNR, "Great Northern Railway Co. Doncaster, makers No.1 1867", brass, oval, Stirling 0-4-2, reboilered May 1881, became GNR Class F2 June 1900, scrapped January 1903.

Locomotive worksplate


Paint pattern panel, London & North Eastern Railway, buffer beam, Class A3, No 2750, Doncaster, 1930s.

Paint pattern panel


Locomotive worksplate, "L & NER 3029 Doncaster Works 1910", cast brass, worksplate number 1274, oval ex J5 0-6-0 GNR Class J22 No 3029, renumbered London & North Eastern Railway No 5488 in 1924, British Railways No 65488 in 1945, built July 1910, withdrawn October 1953.

London & North Eastern Railway Doncaster worksplate


Nameplate, "Durham Light Infantry", from British Railways Deltic diesel locomotive, aluminium with red painted background.

Durham Light Infantry


Locomotive worksplate, Great Northern Railway, brass, No 1149 of 1907, ex GNG "C1" class 4-4-2 No 1427 (London & North Eastern Railway No 4427 from 10/1925), scrapped 2/1945.

Worksplate, Great Northern Railway


Paint pattern panel, London & North Eastern Railway, number and lining, Doncaster, 1930s.

Paint pattern panel


Locomotive worksplate, "London & North Eastern Railway 67610. Doncaster Works 1931" no 1755, cast brass oval ex V1 2-6-2T 2910 renumbered London & North Eastern Railway No 7610 in 1946, British Railways 67610, built April 1931, withdrawn June 1961.

London & North Eastern Railway Doncaster worksplate


Locomotive Worksplate, LNER, "London & North Eastern Railway, No 1621, Doncaster, 1925, Railway Co", brass, oval, ex 0-6-0T Class J72, LNER No. 8745, BR No. 68745, withdrawn September 1961.

London & North Eastern Railway Doncaster worksplate


Locomotive Worksplate, London & North Eastern Railway, "LNER, 399, Doncaster Works 1940", brass, oval, ex 2-6-2T, Class V1, LNER No. 399, 1946 No. 7690, BR No. 67690, withdrawn November 1964.

London & North Eastern Railway - Doncaster Worksplate


Locomotive Worksplate, "Great Northern Railway Co. No. 1070 makers 1905 Doncaster Works", cast brass, oval, GNR 4-4-2 C1 No. 294, renumbered London & North Eastern Railway 3294 May 1924, 2822 in November 1946, British Railways 62822, pulled the "Ivatt Atlantic Special" form King's Cross to Doncaster 26 November 1950 & then withdrawn.

Locomotive worksplate


Locomotive Worksplate, GNR, "Great Northern Railway Co. No. 1173, makers 1907 Doncaster Works", cast brass, oval, London & North Eastern Railway No. 4434 May 1925, withdrawn in April 1945.

Locomotive worksplate


Locomotive Worksplate, "Great Northern Railway No. 1434 makers 1914 Doncaster", cast brass, oval, GNR 2-6-0 Class H3 1648, London & North Eastern Railway 4648 Class K2 from August 1925, renumbered 1738 from March 1946, British Railways 61738 from May 1948, withdrawn July 1959.

Locomotive worksplate


Locomotive Worksplate, GNR, "Great Northern Railway Co. No.1276 makers 1910 Doncaster Works", brass, oval, GNR 4-4-2 C1 Atlantic No. 1452, London & North Eastern Railway 4452 from December 1924 (2882 allocated 1946 but not carried), withdrawn February 1946.

Locomotive worksplate


Locomotive Worksplate, GNR, "Great Northern Railway Co. No. 1359 makers 1912 Doncaster", cast brass, oval, GNR 0-6-0 Class J21 78, London & North Eastern Railway Class J2 3078 from November 1925, renumbered LNER 5022 from October 1946, British Railways 65022 from June 1961, withdrawn December 1953.

Locomotive worksplate


Locomotive Worksplate, Great Northern Railway, "Great Northern Railway Co. No. 1455, makers 1914, Doncaster", brass, oval, GNR 0-6-0 Class J22 No. 595, London & North Eastern Railway Class J6 3595 from August 1926, 4244 from December 1946, British Railways 64244 from December 1948, withdrawn May 1958.

Worksplate, Great Northern Railway


Ticket rack, British Railways, wooden rack on metal stand with four castors, holds 70 sets, used in connection with AEG multi printer ticket issuing machines, ex Doncaster, 1972.

British Rail ticket rack


Nameplate, "Durham Light Infantry", from LNER V2 locomotive, brass with black painted background, mounted on a wooden display base

Durham Light Infantry


Locomotive worksplate, "Great Northern Railway Co. Doncaster, makers No.1000 1903", brass, oval, GNR Class C1 no. 254, renumbered London & North Eastern Railway Class C2 No. 3254 in July 1924, withdrawn April 1943.

Locomotive worksplate


Lists, Doncaster, Tyneside 1936 stock, lists of drawings including bodies, underframes and bogies, no date, 1 file.

GB 756 2000-7200 Doncaster Locomotive Works Archive

Letter from B. S. Brundell of Doncaster to A. Sturrock of West Bownell [?] giving details of Mr. Rummens' estimate of the cost of the extension of the carriage repair shop at Doncaster in 1858. 1p. 7.9134 x 4.8819 in.

Letter from B. S. Brundell re cost of extension at Doncaster Works (supplied title)


Locomotive Test Report, British Transport Commission, British Railways report E39, Braking and Timing Trials with prototype Deltic 3300 BHP deiesel electric locomotive between King's Cross-Newcastle-King's Cross and King's Cross-Leeds-King's Cross, May 1959, also contains lists of LNER and GWR named engines. 7.874 x 13.3858 in. (NRM Technical Archive reference TEST/DIESEL/8)

Locomotive Test Report, British Transport Commission, British Railways report E39, Braking and Timing Trials with prototype Deltic


Great Northern Railway Diagram Book - contains approx. 66 diagrams of various classes of locomotive built at Doncaster. Issed 1922.

Great Northern Railway diagram book


Locomotive test report, British Railways, Doncaster, Report LNER/19/a, A1 4-6-2 No 60136 and 60115, an investigationof steam distribution (also frame expansion, see Appendix), including indicator diagrams taken from all 3 cylinders, undated, Doncaster. (NRM Technical Archive Reference TEST/LNER/7)

Locomotive test report, British Railways, Doncaster, Report LNER/19/a, A1 4-6-2 No 60136 and 60115

Tender Engine Diagrams - bound LNER diagram book with diagrams of various locomotives, giving leading dimensions and weight ratios. Stamped with an LNER Doncaster Drawing Office stamp which is dated 23 October 1939.

Tender Engine Diagrams - bound LNER diagram book with diagrams of various locomotives

circa 1939

Great Northern Railway Six Wheels Coupled Goods Engine - drawing on cartridge paper with watercolour wash, mounted on card. Made at Doncaster Works, January 1867. Possibly shows locomotive no. 474.

Great Northern Railway Six Wheels Coupled Goods Engine - drawing on cartridge paper with watercolour wash


Report, typesecript, paper with card covers, aluminium spine holder, and photographs pasted in, Report on Visit to America Oct.-Dec. 1945, issued by the LNER Chief Mechanical Engineer's Office, Doncaster, March 1946. Report on a fact-finding viist by the CMEs of the LNER and the LMS. Reports on American carriage and locomotive design, construction and maintenance and workshop equipment. A loose typescript entitled "American Report 1946 Conclusions and Recommendations Section 3 - Steam Locomotive Design and Maintenance" has been inserted inside the front cover.

Report on Visit to America Oct.-Dec. 1945


General arrangement drawing, coloured, Great Northern Railway, 4-2-2 locomotive, Doncaster, 1888, in glazed frame, 1505mm x 943mm.

General arrangement drawing of Great Northern Railway 4-2-2 locomotive


Black and white silver gelatin print entitled "Showroom at Firecraft, Doncaster" by Bill Stephenson. From the exhibition 'Real Fire' at the Impressions Gallery 5th May to 2nd June 1984

Showroom at Firecraft, Doncaster

Lists, Doncaster, miscellaneous lists including lists of drawings for standard tenders and for D49 and N7 locomotives, c. 1924-1927, 1 volume.

GB 756 2000-7200 Doncaster Locomotive Works Archive


Lists, Doncaster, drawings for 2-8-0 3-cylinder engines, c. 1923, 1 volume.

GB 756 2000-7200 Doncaster Locomotive Works Archive


Rough Drawing Register, section U, Doncaster, 1 volume, Apr 1938-May 1954.

GB 756 2000-7200 Doncaster Locomotive Works Archive


Copy Register of Drawings, sections A-L, Doncaster, 1 volume, c. 1850-1960.

GB 756 2000-7200 Doncaster Locomotive Works Archive


Rough Drawing Register, section X, Doncaster, 1 volume, Mar 1936-Jun 1954.

GB 756 2000-7200 Doncaster Locomotive Works Archive
