Currie, Stewart
- Made:
- 2000-04-17 in National Railway Museum
- maker:
- Frank Paterson
Made during the interviewer training session. civil engineering; Parliamentary Acts; British Rail Board; reorganisation to business-led organisation; royal trains; weather; university; Royal Engineers, Locomotive Officer; Royal Engineers, Palestine; aid to Russia; civil engineering interest; training; 1948 East Coast mainline floods; redesign of bridges; Great Waverley route, loss of bridges; rebuilding bridges; unifying railways under BR; design of bridges; jobs, 1952-59; Parliamentary section; qualifying as civil engineer, 1955; Assistant District Engineer (Glasgow South), responsibilities, laying CWR; personalities; dispute on wooden and concrete sleepers; introduction of CWR; payment by results work study; laying CWR; comparison with modern rail-laying work; Beeching closures; resignalling Glasgow Central; Glasgow cont; inspection cars; inspections; bridge safety; Pway Engineer (Scottish Region); snow clearance; snow clearance; Works Engineer, BRB; effect of moves on family; Chief Engineer (Glasgow); burst water main; flooding from water main; royal train incidents, James Ness (GM), arrest of flag man, royal flowers; planning; Project Engineer, Channel Tunnel, 1970s; Civil Engineer Pway, BRB; Pway Sub-Committee; staff relations; power at Board level; introduction of business-led organisation; John Prideaux; dynamic track stabilisers; business-led organisation, effect on pway research; Director of Civil Engineering, 1985; Research & Technical Committee; Research & Technical Committee; highlights of career; 1940s-1980s Glasgow; London, British Railways Board.
- Category:
- Oral Histories
- Collection:
- National Archive of Railway Oral History
- Object Number:
- NAROH2000-02
- Materials:
- plastic (unidentified)
- Measurements:
overall: 72 x 80 x 8 mm
- type:
- recording
- credit:
- Friends of the National Railway Museum