Ticka watch camera

Ticka watch camera, manufactured by Houghtons Ltd., London. Watch form camera for rollfilm in cassettes, 17.5mm wide 16 x 22mm. Fitted with a simple lens in watch winding stem with cap on chain, cylindrical shutter not self capping, single speed, time. With postcards of sample pictures filed. Overall: 24 mm x 57 mm (dia.).

A very popular metal miniature camera in the form of a pocket watch. It was designed to use roll film, 17.5mm wide, contained in a special cardboard drop-in cartridge. The lens, carried in the winding stem, had to be covered by a screw-on cap between exposures. No viewfinder was fitted but a clip-on finder was available as an optional extra.

The Ticka camera was introduced in 1905 and offered for sale until approximately 1914. The camera was a licensed copy of the Expo Watch camera, made by the Expo Camera Company in the United States and was an exact copy of the Expo


Photographic Technology
Kodak Collection
Object Number:
glass, metal plated (unknown) and brass (copper, zinc alloy)
overall: 24 mm, 57 mm,
detective camera and rollfilm camera
The Kodak Collection at the National Media Museum, Bradford