Goerz-Anschutz stereoscopic camera
Goerz anschutz stereoscopic camera . Collapsing "Klapp" camera for 9 x 18cm plates. Fitted with two Goerz Dagor series III lenses F: 125mm f/6.8-45, Nos 279163, 279175. Coupled helical focusing mounts.. Variable lens separation 6.5-8cm. Sliding rising and cross front. Cross permits single lens to be centred for panoramic pictures. Anschutz focal plane shutter, 7 widths, 3 speeds giving 22 speeds from 1/10-1/1200 sec B & T. Folding optical frame finder with blue rear lens. Ground glass focusing screen with hood. Stereo septum. C.P. Goerx. c.1904