Ilford Witness camera. 35mm camera; coated Dallmeyer Super-Six anastigmat lens
Ilford Witness camera. 35mm camera; coated Dallmeyer Super-Six anastigmat lens, F:2"; f1.9-22 in bayonet mount, Serial No 373726. Fabric focal plane shutter - two speed rings: 1-T/2/4/8/B-25 and BT/25-1/50/100/250/500/1000. Coincident coupled rangefinder, focussing inf.-3'; movable stop flash synchronising sockets. Accessory shoe.
Witness 35mm camera made by Peto Scott in England, c. 1959
In 1947 Ilford announced the Witness, a 35mm interchangeable lens rangefinder camera. However the Witness did not reach the mass market until 1953, when only 350 were produced. In 1953 the Witness was priced at £121-16-8. Manufacture of the camera was later taken over by Peto Scott Electrical Instruments.
- Measurements:
overall: 74 mm x 146 mm x 85 mm,
- Materials:
- metal (unknown) , leatherette and glass
- Object Number:
- 1990-5036/450/1
- type:
- 35mm camera