Voigtlander Superb camera
Twin lens reflex camera for 120 rollfilm 2 1/4" square. Taking lens; Voigtlander Anastigmat Skopar F:7.5cm, f/3.5-22, No 897754. Viewing lens; Voigtlander Anastigmat lens Helomar f/3.5, No 901515. Compur shutter 1/2/5/10/25/50/100/250/B/T. Callibration engraved in reverse, viewed from above through a small prism. Taking and viewing lenses gear coupled; parallex compensation on viewing lens. Helical focusing on taking len. Ground glass reflex screen. Hood incorporates spirit level and focusing on taking lens. Ground glass refelx screen. Hood incorporates spirit level and magnifier. Depth of field table. Lever film wind; automatic exposure counter. No 2714879.
- Category:
- Photographic Technology
- Collection:
- Kodak Collection
- Object Number:
- 1990-5036/4334
- type:
- twin lens reflex and rollfilm camera
- credit:
- The Kodak Collection at the National Media Museum, Bradford