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Mamiya Camera Co Ltd, Tokyo, Japan. Twin Lens reflex camera for 120 rollfilm 2 1/4 x 2 1/4". Interchangeable lenses; Mamiya-Sekor F:80mm f/2.8 No 793780 and 791148; Mamiya-Sekor F:18cm f/4.5 No 737671 and 735823. Seikosha-S shutters. No 97392. With pressed metal lens caps. With instructions book (filled). See also 1990-5036/4971.

Lenses for Mamiyaflex C3 (Professional) camera


Frenke and Heidecke, Germany. Twin lens refelx for 127 rollfilm 6x6cm. Grey finish. Taking lens Schneider-Kreuznach Xenar F:60mm f/3.5-22 No 5516151. Viewing lens Heidosmat F:60mm f/2.8.Both covered.Synchro-Compur shutter 1/2/8/15/30/60/125/250/300/B. Synchronised for electronic and bulb flash, coaxial socket. Delayed action. shutter wind coupled to wind-on knob. Common focusing knob, with depth of field scale and film type reminder. Convex ground lens focusing screen, with folding metal hood, incorporating magnifier and sports finder. Pictorial exposure calculator. Automatic exposure counter. Grey paint and light grey leatherette. No 2027696.

Rolliflex Twin Lens Reflex camera

Twin lens reflex camera for 120 rollfilm 2 1/4" square. Taking lens; Voigtlander Anastigmat Skopar F:7.5cm, f/3.5-22, No 897754. Viewing lens; Voigtlander Anastigmat lens Helomar f/3.5, No 901515. Compur shutter 1/2/5/10/25/50/100/250/B/T. Callibration engraved in reverse, viewed from above through a small prism. Taking and viewing lenses gear coupled; parallex compensation on viewing lens. Helical focusing on taking len. Ground glass reflex screen. Hood incorporates spirit level and focusing on taking lens. Ground glass refelx screen. Hood incorporates spirit level and magnifier. Depth of field table. Lever film wind; automatic exposure counter. No 2714879.

Voigtlander Superb camera


London Stereoscopic Co. "Carlton" twin-lens reflex 5" x 4" plate camera, 1889. Inscription: 'London Sterescopic Company, 106 & 108 Regents Street, London'.

'Carlton' Twin Lens Reflex Camera


Richoflex Model VI camera. A twin lens reflex camera for 120 rollfilm, fitted with a Ricoh Anastigmat f3.5, 80mm taking lens Serial No 107546C; geared to an 80mm Ricoh viewing lens.

Richoflex Model VI Camera