Wholeplate Sanderson Camera Regular Model

Houghtons Ltd, London. Folding stand camera for 6 1/2 x 8 1/2 inch plates. Ross Goerz patent Double Anastigmat lens F:9 1/2 inches, f/7.7-64, No 5418, and Taylor, Taylor and Hobson wide angle rectilinear lens F:5.3, f/16-64, No 15474. Thornton Pickard rollerblind shutter Time and Inst. -15/30/45/60/75/T. Rack and pinion focusing on front and back, double extension. Sliding rising and cross front. Twoway swing back. Sanderson patent double strut swing front. Reversible back, ground glass focusing screen on hinged frame. Pendulum level. Chamfered bellows No 17482. With two bookform double wooden dark slides, and focusing cloth.


Photographic Technology
Kodak Collection
Object Number:
stand camera and plate camera
The Kodak Collection at the National Media Museum, Bradford