Dick Fearn interviewed by Frank Paterson

2018-06-20 in National Railway Museum
Frank Paterson

Oral history interview with Dick Fearn, conducted and recorded by Frank Paterson at the National Railway Museum, York on 20 June 2018. Duration: 3 hr. 50 min. 10 sec. Traffic Student scheme 1973-1977; Station Manager Doncaster; Metals Business Resources Manager York 1986; trainload flows; Manchester Business School 1987; Provincial Services Resource Manager York; Passenger Transport Executives; John Nelson; Network Manager Thames and Chiltern Division 1990-1993; modernisation of Chiltern; Organising for Quality (OfQ); Divisional Director Thames & Chiltern; Total Route Modernisation 1989; bottom line responsibility; driver only operation (DOO) process; trade union negotiation; miners' strike 1984; Lew Adams; restructuring; development of management buyout (MBO) team; John Town; track access agreements; Chris Jago; support for MBO promised; First Group; financial arrangements with First Group; time commitment; Association of Train Operating Companies (ATOC); Office of Rail Passenger Franchising (OPRAF) relationships; MBO unsuccessful; Connex; Railtrack Zone Director North West; responsibilities; move to Midland Zone; reliance on contractors; Hitchin accident; Railtrack in Administration; results of privatisation

One of over 150 oral history recordings made as part of the Britain’s Railways All Change (BRAC) archive project. BRAC was set-up to cover gaps in documenting the railway privatisation process in the United Kingdom, between 1994 and 1997, when the government-owned British Rail was dismantled into over 100 privately-owned companies. The interviews capture the recollections of people involved in the planning and implementation of the privatisation process, the management of change and running the railway during privatisation.


Oral Histories
Britain's Railways All Change
Object Number:
oral history interview
Britain’s Railways All Change (BRAC) oral history archive, created in partnership with the Friends of the National Railway Museum, the Retired Railway Officers’ Society and the National Railway Museum.