8mm amateur footage by David Hodge, reel H

8mm 50 feet film reel, footage made by amateur filmmaker, David Hodge, likely filmed between 1965-1967, when he worked at Bournemouth shed. Filmmaker's description of the content: train, headed by a Pacific, crosses Bourne Valley Viaduct and heads towards Branksome; 80000 class light engine crosses Bourne Valley Road; Train crosses Bourne Valley Viaduct; Taken from South side (Surrey Road); General shed view from station gate; Shed interior; On an up train to Waterloo, in this order: Avon bridge?, Hinton Admiral Bank, Brockenhurst, Southampton Central (Clock Tower), Eastleigh Shed (34013 Okehampton visible), entering a tunnel, Worting Junction, overtaking freight train hauled by 34037 Clovelly, Weybridge (pretty dark from now on), Clapham Junction, Loco Junction, before and after Vauxhall, Waterloo. Reel H. Colour and silent footage. Some of the content of this reel may have been cut out and used in 'Bournemouth shed' films by the filmmaker.


Moving Images
Object Number:
cardboard, plastic (unidentified) and cellulose acetate
overall: 100 mm x 130 mm x 10 mm,
film reel
David Hodge