Papers of W.R.D. Manning
- Made:
- 1930-1962
This collection of material documents Manning’s work in polyethylene research and high-pressure engineering, although there is nothing that relates directly to the “Tube Alloys” project. The papers that refer to Manning’s role, which enabled the experimental production of polyethylene by building a high-pressure reactor, could provide further insights into this important British development, its impact on the Allied effort in World War 2 and the interpretation of associated Museum objects. “The papers are quite extensive and there … is some very interesting material which relates to the discovery of polyethylene. This includes material from DuPont and also by Dr Michels at Van de Waals laboratory in the Netherlands.” Manning’s diaries are included and cover 1930 to 1962, although those for 1938-1941 are missing. There are also 13 printed books, one by Manning, two dedicated to him, and ten other titles, some signed by Manning, demonstrating his influences and interests.