On Display
Object type

Harry Sanders Archive


Archive of RAF projectionist


British Railway Board Standard Locomotives engineering drawings archive

The Campaign for Better Transport archive


John Evershed Archive. John Evershed (26/2/1864 - 17/11/1956) was a British astronomer who

Papers of Selwyn Pearce-Higgins including notes and diaries


Longhedge Works archive


Alfred Rosling Bennett Archive

Archive of material of the work of Alex Cox, including correspondence,scripts, press cuttings. Set of five 35mm prints of films made by Alex Cox: (1) Straight to Hell, 1987 - two prints; (2) Highway Patrolman, 1991 - one print; (3) Death and the Compass, 1992 - one print; (4) Three Businessmen, 1998 - one print. THESE PRINTS HAVE BEEN PASSED TO NSMM FILM TEAM TO ADD TO THEIR COLLECTION OF PRINTS FOR PRESENTATION.

Archive of material of the work of Alex Cox

Archival material from 1956-76 to up date "A bibliography of The Art of Turning and Lathe and Machine Tool History"

Archival material to update A bibliography of The Art of Turning and Lathe and Machine Tool History

Drawings of commemorative sign of Mallard speed record, erected on Stoke Bank on 29 July 1998 for the Gresley Society, designed by CEDG York Ltd: CE 30930/001 General Arrangement; CE30930/002 Top support unit details; CE 30930/003 Central/bottom suport unit details; CE 30930/004 End stanchion details; CE 30930/005 Foundation details; Photograph, coloured, of sign in situ.

Drawings of commemorative sign of Mallard speed record


Master tapes of sound recordings taken on the railways from the 1950s to the 1970s. Second batch received 26th March 2004.

the peter handford archive

circa 1950-2003

Personal/ professional papers and related publications accumulated by Thomas (Tommy) Hornbuckle during his career as a railway mechanical engineer, especially relating to early experiments with dieselisation on the London Midland and Scottish Railway (LMS) in the 1930s and 1940s

Tommy Hornbuckle archive

circa 1907-1963

Press release re the naming ceremony of the British Rail electric locomotive 'Airey Neave' by The Rt Hon Mrs Margaret Thatcher, PM and Baroness Airey, issued by British Railways Board Public Relations Dept, consisting of three printed A4 sheets; Invitation card issued by Sir Peter Parker MVO, Chairman of The British Railways Board, to the naming ceremony of locomotive number 86311 by Prime Minister, The Rt Hon Mrs Margaret Thatcher and Baroness Airey, at Euston Station 14 May 1983 (2 copies); Programme of events for the naming ceremony of the British Rail Locomotive No 86311, 'Airey Neave' by The Rt. Hon. Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister, and The Baroness Airey of Abingdon at Euston Station 14th May 1983 (2 copies).

Archive relating to the naming ceremony of "Airey Neave"


Papers principally covering his involvement with the study of railway history and its bibliographic sources. Includes correspondence with key individuals active in this field, particularly Simmons, Robbins, Bagwell and Hadfield. 8 box files arranged chronologically.

Papers of George Ottley, railway bibliographer


Papers relating to the Heritage Railway Association and predecessor organisations. 4 boxes.

Heritage Railway Association archive

Accrual to the Railfuture Archive, papers from Dr M P L Caton, includes Correspondence (including with Sir John Betjeman), meeting notes and publicity

Accrual to the Railfuture Archive

Papers of London & North Eastern Railway (LNER) ship's captain George Gibson Mallory relating to his command of LNER (ex GER) Harwich-Antwerp ferry SS "Malines" during the evacuation of British Embassy staff and other British civilians from Rotterdam May 1940 and the evacuation of British troops from Dunkerque (Dunkirk) June 1940.

Captain G G Mallory Archive


Archive of genetically modified foods and crop research and industry. Denis Murphy Collection, c. 1980 - 2000, comprises discussion papers, policies, printed and published material relating to the International Food Policy Reserch Institute, World Health Organisation and PEW Charitable Trusts about food policy and food and biotechnology. Student Thesis titled The Role of Technology in tackling Global Security.

Archive of genetically modified foods and crop research and industry

Archive of genetically modified foods and crop research and industry, 1994 - 2006. Professor Derek Burke Collection. Comprises 20 + video and audio tapes of media broadcasts, interviews, debates and lectures, 1996 - 2003; press cuttings concerning the Nuffield Council on Bioethics Working Party on Genetically Modified Crops, 1998 - 1999; Advisory Committee for Novel Foods and Processes, 1989 - 1997; reports and records of various meetings, 1994 - 2006

Archive of genetically modified foods and crop research and industry

Archive of Genetically Modified Foods and Crops Research and Industry. Lexington Communications - Agricultural Biotechnology Council Collection, c. 1990 - 2010 comprising display panels about how to influence stakeholders; notes, press cuttings, medial material and booklets dealing with crop protection, biotechnology, arable farming and making sense of GM; 6 video and audio cassettes and minidisks; 6 CD's

Archive of Genetically Modified Foods and Crops Research and Industry

Archive of Genetically Modified Foods and Crop Research and Industry. R.J. Fiddaman Collection, c. 2000 - 2009. Concerns mainly the DEFRA Farm Scale Evaluations, comprising crop labels, printed and published booklets, pamphlets and reports; papers, letters and contracts; letters and photographs relating to trial grounds and vandalism of the trial grounds.

Archive of Genetically Modified Foods and Crop Research and Industry

A collection of papers relating to the Board of Trade Standards Department and its successor departments. It consists of indenture certificates issued to local authorities for the examination, testing, and calibration of local standards of weight, length and volume; early 20th century weights and measures legislation and other documents from around the world; and photographs of equipment and people associated with the department.

Weights and Measures Archive

20th Century

Binder containing a large number of technical pamphlets on early telephony, gathered into two bundles tied with ribbon inside each cover. Most of these relate to papers presented to American Electrical Engineering associations as well as other journals and appear to have been collected by John Edward Kingsbury. Binder is titled [T]elephon[e] - Sundr[y] [T]ransaction and [M]agazine[s] - Also included is a book celebrating to 50th anniversary of the Bell Telephone Manufacturing Company in 1932 with correspondence relating to Mr Kingsbury's invitation to a dinner to mark the event. 1879-1932 [MS/2205]

Binder and Booklet belonging to J.E. Kingsbury


Collection of papers relating to Crompton Parkinson (Doncaster). It is made up of publicity photographs, albums and copies of the in house magazine 'Circuit'.

Papers of Crompton Parkinson (Doncaster)


A collection of GEC research documents relating to lighting produced by the Illumination Group, later known as the OSRAM-GEC Research Laboratory, which was based at the Hirst Research Centre. These were produced between 1925 and 1995. [GECIG]

A collection of GEC research documents relating to lighting produced by the Illumination Group


A programming book relating to courses attended by Vivienne Tappin as part of training on computer equipment. Also included are photographs showing the office and staff.

Programming Book and Photographs relating to Computer Training Courses


John Denison Archive relating predominantly to the use of DEUCE and other early commercial computers to solve engineering problems; c.1953–1965

Denison Archive


David Simpson papers relating to the CHASE instrument covering: 1) Load and Stress / Finite ElementAnalysis 2) Thermal Analysis 3) Vibration Analysis 4) Grating Scan Analysis

CHASE papers of David Simpson


Papers of Group Captain Peter D.G.V. Whittingham relating to his work on survival medicine and the Apollo/Soyuz mission.

Papers of Peter Whittingham


Records of B. Laporte Ltd relating to the Monk Irwin Process. Accrual for 2017-98 and 2017-130.

Records of B. Laporte Ltd relating to the Monk Irwin Process


A collection of papers from Major Basil Binyon, wireless pioneer and BBC director

Archive of Major Basil Binyon


Accrual to the Archive of Laporte Industries Ltd, a leading British chemical engineering firm, 1960s until 1980s. It comprises a set of legal agreements, a brochure depicting development of the company logo and branding, two photo albums of a Sodium Chlorite Plant in Luton and an Organic Peroxide Plant in Warrington, two photo albums depicting peroxygen incidents at the Luton and Warrington plants, and photographs, films and documents relating to fire, explosion and contamination tests for various chemicals produced by the company.

Accrual to the Archive of Laporte Industries Ltd

Collection of material relating to the transport writing of Charles Lee

Papers of Charles Lee


A booklet of photographs produced to show the venturi effect in various shapes of valve. It appears to have been used by a sale rep to illustrate the advantages of the Hopkinson-Ferranti Stop Valve.

Booklet of photographs showing the venturi effect in a Hopkinson valve


Collection of archive documents relating to the activities of radio amateur Hugh Ryan, G5BV, c. 1920 – 1940, comprising logbooks of radio contacts made, correspondence, manuscripts of published articles, QSL cards and photographs. Associated with material already acquired as Inv 2014-39.

Collection of archive documents relating to the activities of radio amateur Hugh Ryan

circa 1920-1940

Two archives relating to early use and development of the World Wide Web by business, 1994-98, created by Glyn Moody, computing journalist. First collection consists of c.25 box files and one electronic file covering early development of the Internet, with particular focus on the impact of online developments on businesses. The second archive consists of 29 electronic Word 2 files, comprising edited selection of 20,000-30,000 news items.

Two archives relating to early use and development of the World Wide Web by business


Tearne & Sons Ltd, Transfer Manufacturers, Birmingham. Order books, 1896-1909. 2 volumes. (1st vol. Jan 1896-1905, 2nd vol. Jan 1905-Nov 1909).

Tearne & Sons Order Books


Bierrum International Ltd Contracts Archive, c. 1927 - 1980, consisting of a petty cash book, ARP Warden's log book, drawing office contract register, 4 bound volumes of contract registers, 3 contracts enquiries registers, 9 boxes of photographic material illustrating and arranged according to each contract and project, 1320 sets of rolled engineering drawings (see Note); 2 boxes of marketing material

Bierrum International Ltd Contracts Archive: Drawings, Photographs and Registers

notebook containing notes written by Joseph Clement to form a credo as a statement of intent and moral compass. [MS/1935]

Joseph Clement Credo Notebook


Archive related to construction and test flights of the Concorde 002 prototype aircraft, 1960s-1970s

Archive related to construction and test flights of the Concorde 002 prototype aircraft

Geoffrey Perry archive relating to the operation of the Kettering Group. Extent: c.60 boxes. Date: c.1960–1984.

Geoffrey Perry archive

The personal archive of the work of British animator Run Wrake (1965-2012). The archive consists of Wrake’s work from his college days through to his death and comprises scrapbooks, cells and drawings (including examples of how drawings were manipulated using photocopiers), storyboards (including the detailed synchronisation of image and music), found objects and images, original paintings and illustrations and notebooks. Twelve bankers boxes and four portfolio folders, plus a small number of loose larger works.

Run Wrake Animation Archive

late 20th century

This collection of material documents Manning’s work in polyethylene research and high-pressure engineering, although there is nothing that relates directly to the “Tube Alloys” project. The papers that refer to Manning’s role, which enabled the experimental production of polyethylene by building a high-pressure reactor, could provide further insights into this important British development, its impact on the Allied effort in World War 2 and the interpretation of associated Museum objects. “The papers are quite extensive and there … is some very interesting material which relates to the discovery of polyethylene. This includes material from DuPont and also by Dr Michels at Van de Waals laboratory in the Netherlands.” Manning’s diaries are included and cover 1930 to 1962, although those for 1938-1941 are missing. There are also 13 printed books, one by Manning, two dedicated to him, and ten other titles, some signed by Manning, demonstrating his influences and interests.

Papers of W.R.D. Manning


Archive materials relating to Odeon Cinema, Bradford (formerly the New Victoria Cinema). The archive includes approximately 200 paper items including architectural drawings relating mostly to the 1969 development of two cinemas and a bingo club, with a small number relating to the 1988 addition of a third cinema and technical drawings relating to the equipment used on site. Also, instruction manuals for both projection and estate equipment, brochures for new products, minutes of meetings and the Chief Operator’s log for July 1981 to March 1983.

Archive relating to Odeon Cinema, Bradford


Two letters relating to the work of O.G. Lywood on early airborne wireless

Letters relating to airborne wireless

June 1951

A collections of papers from Dr James Robinson relating to wireless technology and especially the promotion of his stenode radiostat

Papers of Dr James Robinson


The archive of C O Stanley, founder of the Pye Television Company, Cambridge, including business documentation, advertising ephemera, point of sale material, newspaper cuttings and certificates,1927-1950.

Archive of C O Stanley, founder of Pye Television Company


Archive relating to the life and work of Dr. June Almeida (1930-2007), virologist and pioneering electron microscopist, consisting of scientific papers, letters, certificates, photographs, made and collected by June Almeida, United Kingdom, 1930-2007.

Archive of the life and work of pioneering virologist Dr. June Almeida (1930-2007).


Master tapes of sound recordings taken on the railways from the 1950s to the 1970s. Third batch received 9th June 2004.

the peter handford archive

circa 1950-2003