8mm amateur footage of military vehicles, Weymouth, British Railways ferries filmed by Ralph Maxwell Rhodes

Original 8mm colour silent film, footage shot by Ralph Maxwell Rhodes between 1960-1970. 400 feet reel. Content includes: views of military vehicles, coastal town views (possibly Weymouth), Gala and parade, British Railways Ferries

Ralph Maxwell Rhodes, who worked for British Railways in Doncaster, accompanied Flying Scotsman on his journey to the USA, filming the locomotive last trip to Liverpool before its departure for the United States by sea, its arrival and unloading at Boston, and some of its American tour in 1969. Ralph Rhodes filmed a few other railway footage which was donated to the museum alongside his footage of the Flying Scotsman American tour.


Moving Images
Object Number:
cellulose acetate and cardboard
overall: 150 mm x 150 mm x 10 mm,
film reel