Jack Fussey and Ramsey MacCleary interviewed by Tony Steadman


Joint oral history interview with Jack Fussey and Ramsey MacCleary conducted and recorded by Tony Steadman on 17 April 2015 at the home of one of the interviewees. Duration: 39 minutes. Both interviewees give their origins of volunteering at the museum; before the outreach group; Derwent 150; [00:05:00] Both give details of their careers as mechanical engineers; [00:10:00] they spoke to each other, and Ramsey joined in around 1996; Jack joined in 1980; on information point; Ramsey was talking to visitors on Friday and Sunday; [00:15:00] volunteers set up the outreach team under Keith; sold railway items and talked about the museum; story of Australian enthusiast; interesting visitor; [00:20:00] visit with museum on Eurostar to Paris organised by Chris Nettleton; in the 1990’s the museum staff took over the information points under Clare Evans; [00:25:00] Cab access events hoping for experienced drivers; enjoyable; Christmas events usually dinners in Station Hall; organised by David Thomas; [00:30:00] allowed to drive steam locos in yard; Jack has recently left volunteers; Ramsey continues; information point has moved, how it has changed over time; Japanese visitor; [00:35:00] volunteering can be very worthwhile and therapeutic [00:38:44] [end of interview]

Oral history recording made as part of a NRM oral history of volunteering initiative led by NRM volunteering team between 2012 and 2015, with the aim to record the voices of people sharing their volunteering experiences at the National Railway Museum, including NRM colleagues supervising volunteers.


Corporate Archive
Object Number:
oral history interview