Object type
Place of origin

Double balance pressure step valve, sectioned

One Ayrton-Perry voltmeter

Bernay's Positive Water Meter


Recording hair hygrometer

Stone 14 1/2 lbs Av. weight, for weighing chain and nailmaker's work

One Tucker hot-wire microphone

Latest type model of sunshine recorder

One sectioned 2 HP induction motor with cast aluminium squirrel cage motor

Aneroid Barometer, graduated in millibars, for use at sea

Portable battery of 3 lead accumulator cells with reticulated grid plates

'Kombi' Early Miniature Camera


Neck-forming tool, for Codd bottles

Stone 5 lb 14 oz Av. weight, for weighing chain and nailmaker's work

Stone 1 lb 1 oz Av. weight, for weighing chain and nailmaker's work

Solar microscope "O.N. Degerman. Fecit 1756"

Two log glasses. One 15 minute glass. One 14 second glass.

Two log glasses

Two models showing how a rotating field is produced from a three-phase supply and a single-phase supply and inductance respectively.

Two models showing how a rotating field is produced

One transparency showing optical grinding and polishing machine (plate from "Phil. Trans.", 1744, Vol 41).

Transparency showing optical grinding and polishing machine

One transparency showing grinding machine (p.6 Hevelius's "Selenographia", 1647).

One transparency showing grinding machine

One coloured isometric drawing showing the flow of heating gases of a Woodall-Duckham chamber (lambent heated).

isometric drawing showing the flow of heating gases of a Woodall-Duckham chamber

One transparency showing lens polishing machine (Plate from Smith's "A Compleat System of Opticks", 1738 Vol.2).

Transparency showing lens polishing machine

Diagram illustrating the Schichallien experiment for determination of the density of the Earth (1774 - 1776).

Diagram illustrating the Schichallien experiment

One decade counter using transistors, with Venner accumulator & spare rack of transistors.

One decade counter using transistors

One framed exhibit of specimens of miniature ball bearings.

One framed exhibit of specimens of miniature ball bearings

Coloured drawings on one sheet - Couches sedimentaires de Magnetite (Anjou).

Coloured drawings on one sheet - Couches sedimentaires de Magnetite (Anjou)

One set of four optical filters G.G.495 OR 2403, BG18.OB10

One set of four optical filters G.G.495 OR 2403

Published chart - San Fernando and approaches, surveyed in 1924.

Published chart - San Fernando and approaches

One dichroic prism assembly for a colour television camera.

One dichroic prism assembly for a colour television camera

One long horizontal panel "DIDO Research Reactor".

One long horizontal panel "DIDO Research Reactor"

One model of Dubbs oil cracking plant.

One model of Dubbs oil cracking plant

Two beam splitters DM 1.163, DM 2/164

Two beam splitters DM 1.163

One 33 kV metal-clad switch-unit, scale 1:8.

One 33 kV metal-clad switch-unit

Model of the British Islands and surrounding ocean beds, size 4 ft. sq, in contours. The horizontal scale of the model is about 24 miles to the inch, and the vertical scale 8000 ft. to the inch.

Model of the British Islands and surrounding ocean beds

Model (scale 1:16) of roasting furnace.

Model (scale 1:16) of roasting furnace

Diorama illustrating lighting about 1860.

Diorama illustrating lighting about 1860

Map of World's earthquake areas.

Map of World's earthquake areas

Two hanks of thread, one reel and one ball of thread.

Two hanks of thread

Cross-section drawing of an Electrolux Cooling System Unit, by the Science Museum, 1954.

Drawing of Electrolux Cooling System, 1954


Reproduction in colour of map of mining district in Eastern Desert of Egypt. (Book Plate).

Reproduction in colour of map of mining district in Eastern Desert of Egypt. (Book Plate)

Framed and glazed coloured drawing:- Engineer's Precise Level.

Framed and glazed coloured drawing:- Engineer's Precise Level

Chart of spontaneous polarization.

Chart of spontaneous polarization

Two maps, typical contiguous sheets of Desert Survey, scale 1:100,000.

Two maps, typical contiguous sheets of Desert Survey

One small, rough, round, lead weight, about 1 lb Av. used for weighing chain and nailmaker's work in South Staffordshire.

One small, rough

One 132 kV condenser type outdoor bushing with mounting tank.

One 132 kV condenser type outdoor bushing with mounting tank

Diagram: Apparatus for geothermic investigation.

Diagram: Apparatus for geothermic investigation

Five small drawings on one sheet - Types of Seismograph Pendulums.

Five small drawings on one sheet - Types of Seismograph Pendulums

Three fuse-type valves, C.V.123, including one with envelope removed.

Three fuse-type valves

Bates machine for engraving in imitation of medals, sculptures etc.

Bates machine for engraving

Photograph: Salt ridge at Beuthe, near Hannover.

Photograph: Salt ridge at Beuthe

Diagram showing relative velocities of propagation & displacements due to Longitudinal, Transverse & Rayleigh Waves.

Diagram showing relative velocities of propagation & displacements due to Longitudinal